It’s now May 2024 and I’ve had a total of two colonoscopies and one sigmoidoscopy since 2020 and they have found the following: hypertrophic anal papillae(basically a benign fibrous polyp that many gi doctors regard as a skin tag), internal hemorrhoids and one external friable hemorrhoid, small divericula in the sigmoid colon, and benign neoplasia or hyperplasia (can’t remember which one). So fortunately no colon cancer or malignant polyps or tumors. However, this shows there is still a lot going on in that area and it’s not healthy. The recommendation is to get a hemorrhoidectomy for the hemorrhoid and a transanal lesion excision for the skin tag. Both of these sound brutal in terms of pain and recovery and I’m wondering if leaving them alone would be ok because of some of the horror stories and long recoveries I’ve heard about these procedures. Any thoughts on this?
treatment for rectal bleeding/hemorrh... - Colon Cancer Conn...
treatment for rectal bleeding/hemorrhoids?
Hi digar,
Thanks for posting with us. I am glad to hear it's not cancerous. At least that's a good thing. I would say the answer to you question is if you did the surgery and recovery, how much of a benefit would this be to you down the road? Does the day to day quality of life after surgery outweigh the side effects and surveillance procedures in the future if you don't do it? What does the surveillance look like in the future if you had the surgery? Also, if you didn't do the surgery, would it build to the point that surgery is the only option?
I hear the hemorrhoidectomy is a very successful procdure. It is common and I always like to look at it as I'm not the first one to have a procedure done.
What did you doctor say about the consequences of "leaving them alone" would entail? Like you said ... "this shows there is still a lot going on in that area and it’s not healthy". Is some kind of colectomy an option to just remove part of the colon that is the main cause of the symptoms?
We do wish you the best. I hope there are others that may have been in similar situations will contribute to this post. Please let us know any further info you receive and what you end up doing. This type of info is beneficial to others on this site.
Thank you,
~Tom, GCCA Survivor - Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.
Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.
Hi, I had four polyps found during my colonoscopy all benign, the were removed at the time. I have diverticulosis which really is controlled by a healthy diet. I do not have much trouble from it. Haemorrhoids I have internal and external. My opinion only no way would I have a haemorrhoidectomy. They do not bother me unduly and are not painful luckily. I already suffer constipation because of the painkillers I take having Spondylolisthesis. I believe it is a really painful recovery , so because of my other problems would not do it. You may be much more able to have the op especially if the haemorrhoids are causing you pain. Good luck, and great no cancer found.
Hi Digar I had 3 internal haemorrhoids removed last year via banding. As I had six internal ones, therefore the surgeon has removed 4 in a row. It was painful to sit down and do the first couple poo, but it definitely helps me to clear my bowel. I am planning to see my surgeon again for advice on how to remove the skin tags/external haemorrhoids. Will keep you posted
Thank you for your reply! I had banding too but they came back. Keep me posted please.
How long did it take to come back? I am starting to wonder if mine has come back too.
About a month or so