Last year the Australian Leukaemia Foundation produced some A4 information cards for presentation to GPs to raise the awareness of blood cancers. Given recent discussions on this group regarding raising awareness of CLL, I'm sure that the two referenced below will be of interest:
1) Is Lymphoma on your Radar? (see note below)
2) 'Watch and Wait' management of indolent Non-Hodgkin lymphomas
Considering the average GP in Australia is expected to encounter six or seven lymphoma patients in their career, you can appreciate the difficulty GPs have in recognising a possible lymphoma case!
Perhaps confusingly, CLL is both a leukaemia and a lymphoma and is included in the group of Non-Hodgkin lymphomas. To further confuse matters, CLL and SLL are classified by the WHO as the same B-lymphocyte blood cancer, with people with peripheral lymphocyte blood counts over 5 considered to have the leukaemia (CLL) presentation.