I'm a U.S. citizen living in Peru, where the only treatment option for my CLL through the government health system would have been chemotherapy. My hemoglobin had been falling below 8 pretty consistently for the past two months, so my hematologist recommended I begin treatment in the U.S.
I started looking for information about treatment centers that were closest to where one of my relatives live, and was pleasantly surprised to find out that my sister lives just 45 minutes from the Mayo Clinic in La Crosse, Wisconsin, so I decided to stay with her during treatment. It took a couple of weeks to get scheduled for treatment, but last Thursday I started -- obinutuzumab and venetoclax. I had to be transfused the day before because my hemoglobin and dropped to 7.
The first infusion of obinutuzumab caused a strong reaction of chills and trembling, which they were able to treat with Demerol. They said it was the worst reaction they had seen. After infusing just 26mg of the planned 100mg, they sent me home. But with just that small amount, my leukocytes dropped from 148 that day to 40 the next day. On Friday I had another treatment of 900mg (uneventful, but with lots of premeds including corticosteroids and more Demerol). Today my leukocytes are at 2.
I felt weaker and dizzy and more breathless this morning, so they asked me to come in to do some lab tests. They didn't find anything concerning. I'm still trying to figure out what my "new normal" is, so that I don't become alarmed by symptoms that aren't indicative of danger.
My treatment plan is four infusions of obinutuzumab during the first month, then one each for 5 more months. I'll start venetoclax on day 22 and continue to take it for a year.