I have both CLL (contained by Acalabrutinib with it's side effects) and Diabetes (controlled with slow release insulin, metformin and sitaglyptin plus a healthy biome-focused diet). At Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, I receive the best care imaginable but I have a problem over the Diabetes. I am highly active at 79, using my lifetime skillset to mentor Postgraduate Students, young business entrepteneurs, and some other mentees who have difficulties with adult ADHD.As a Queen's Scout I take the greatest of delight in these activities.
However I am not wealthy and have my 55 year old Autistic son living with me who refuses to claim sickness or Attendance benefits. My wife left me beacause I refused to send my son away.
Of necessity I have to drive a lot, and after two hospitalisations last winter for both hyper- and hypo- glycaemic events I am concerned that I might drift off at the wheel.
I have been successfully using FreestyleLibre sensors to monitor my glucose levels but I can no longer justify playing £110 every 4 weeks. My Diabetic nurse says I am not ill enough to qualify for free FreestyleLibre prescriptions.
Is anyone else in a similar situation where seemingly essential medical support is denied in an NHS thst is supposedly "free at the point of use"?