After 12 years of waiting and watching, 2024 presented some very high white cell counts....between 200 and 300K. My oncologist and I decided to try CalQuence in January of 2024. After 2 weeks, my legs were filled with edema..a bust, and alot of money for a stop the treatment..In July we decided to take another run at this insidious disease...with Brukinza. Again after 2 weeks, I had such pain my left left thigh that I went to the ER. I was admitted to the hospital with a large hematoma and a concern for an infection in the blood mass. After 7 days of antibiotics, tests, and the CDC involved, I am released, White cell counts now 290K range..and I've tried two supposedly successful drugs to no avail..Another recovery time for my body to heal.
October 4th, 2024, I have a biopsy procedure on my right kidney to validate the ablation of 12/2022 on a malignant tumor(size of a quarter). I'm discharged and go home. At 4 pm, I begin to fell very poorly and my wife calls 911. I'm admitted to the hospital in Greenwood, SC and 2 am in the morning, airlifted to Greenville, SC for emergency surgery. The first procedure that day had nicked the aorta and I had lost 4 liters of blood..After 6-8 transfusions, they were able to get the bleeding stopped at Prisma in Greenville. I never realized how close I was to death. Traumatic experience for my wife..calling her at 2 am to tell her that I'm being taken to Greenville for emergency surgery...we have no it was all on her. What a trooper!
Eight days in ICU..test after scans, MRIs, kidney dialysis, xrays, more transfusions. The Dr, who probably saved my life, told me that there are few 76 yr olds who would have survived this had I not been in the physical condition that I was in. After discharge, I was in Self Reg in Greenwood for another 7 days for an infection of the peritoneal hematoma(from blood loss) and a UTI(catheter at Greenville).
After weeks of home rehab, and a loss of 25 lbs..175 to 150 lbs from the hospital ordeals, I see my oncologist(who also checked on me in the hospitals) and she tells me that I am healing WHITE CELL count is at 15K. I asked her what happened and her response was.."I don't know" and I've been doing this for 20+yrs. Was it the transfusions..the dialysis, or a Divine intervention? She told me that we won't be looking at treatments for 2-3 years or longer..And my kidney is cancer free!!
I'm taking the results after this long and terrible my wife said to me in the morning of Oct 5, 2024.."Don't you give up on me!