Here's a welcome article that explains all about BTK degraders; the next class of BTK drug after the success of the FDA approved covalent BTKis (acalabrutinib/Calquence, ibrutinib/Imbruvica and zanubrutinib/Brukinsa) and non-covalent BTKi pirtobrutinib/Jaypirca.
"Oral therapies targeting receptors in a blood cancer called chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) have transformed outcomes with for those with this disease. However, for patients who experience progression of their cancer after these therapies, there are very limited effective treatment options available. Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK) degraders are a new class of medications that have potential to be effective in this scenario. This review describes the mechanism of action of BTK degraders, and their pre-clinical and clinical development to date, including emerging clinical trial data. Potential future directions for the development of these agents is also discussed."
We focus on their development as a drug class, the up-to-date clinical data available, as well as future directions. BTK protein degraders are a novel drug class with an alternate mechanism of action (MOA), compared to cBTKis and non-covalent BTKis (ncBTKis).."
I've been trying to keep up to date with BTK degraders in this reply to my Yet Another BTK inhibitor (YABTKi) post;