Every two years, the Lymphoma Coalition, a worldwide network of patient groups with a full or partial focus on providing support to lymphoma patients, including those with CLL, undertakes a Global Patient Survey.
The 2024 survey gives you an opportunity to share your experience with CLL and is also open to caregivers.
The results are used to improve equity for patients around the world, and can influence planning, action and support.
Past surveys have been used "to inform published research papers, conference presentations and posters, patient resources, education materials and lymphoma awareness campaigns." They are shared in a Global Report, as well as regional and country reports.
"All information provided when completing the survey is confidential.
It will take approximately 30 to 45 minutes to complete for a patient and 20 minutes for a caregiver."
It is available in 20 different languages.
The more people who participate in surveys like this one, the better the patient and caregiver experience is understood. Please consider giving it a half an hour or so of your time.
For more information, visit: lymphomacoalition.org/globa...
To go straight to the survey, visit: picker.fra1.qualtrics.com/j...
NOTE: This is an unlocked post
(my emphasis)