Anyone know of receiving 5Mg / day of folic acid due to the findings below
From My Haematologist to my Dr which is the usual 4 weekly report he sends'
Dapsone is giving rise to compensated haemolysis without anemia as indicated by a reticulocyte count of 161.7 and haemolysis is the cause of the abnormally low HbA1c at 13.
I advise William to take over the counter Folic Acid 5mg daily for the long term. A few patients with haemolysis will develop severe hypoproliferative anemia during severe viral infections in which case the Dapsone would need to be stopped and a blood transfusion may need to be given. I felt that at the moment the benefit of Dapsone outweighs this potential risk.
Hb was 13 WCC 5.7 neuts 3.5, lymphocytes 1.5 and plts 218, liver and bone function tests were normal.
The only thing I do on a regular basis i.e. 3 to 4 times a week to a high level
Anyone with any history or knowledge of this would be grateful, thanks