A somewhat new development for me has me wondering if there could be any relationship to our illness, so I'm seeking comments.
My Blood Pressure has been dropping over time, and I did lose some weight in the last year, but I find it hard to imagine its because of the weight. One year ago I was 254 pounds (I'm 6'0"), and the other day I hit the scale at 221. I have seen my CLL Specialist very recently, she saw the drop, and had no concern about the weight. Overall I've just eaten a lot less at meals, but haven't really exercised.
I've been long term on two BP Meds Losartan Hctz and amlodipine, and when noticing a lowering of my BP six months ago my Primary dropped the Amlodipine. Then sometime in the last three months he took off the Hctz from the Losartan. At that point my average readings of around 120/80 had dropped to around 110/70. Last week in his office my reading was 88/65 and he said to cut the Losartan in half for a week and see him again this coming Tuesday. This was last Monday.
I didn't cut the dose, because I was afraid that the very low reading in his office was an aberration, and when I checked my pressure this past Wednesday it was around 114/70. So I figured I was right in not cutting the dose. Then Wednesday and Thursday nights I had very heavy drenching sweats in bed, which I have on and off from week to week but not every night. On Friday Morning , and through the early morning hours in bed, I had severe pains seemingly between the ribs both front and back. I also began to have bad leg cramps. We took my BP and it was 105/72, then Friday afternoon it was 110/66, and then it has gone down from there from Friday night into all day Saturday. On Saturday it went down early to the 80s over 60s, and then on Saturday Night lying in bed it went as low as 64/42.
I made sure I hydrated myself all day Friday from Morning through night. My thinking is I must have gotten badly dehydrated during the drenching sweats Wednesday and Thursday overnight. I was frightened by the very low readings Saturday night in bed, wondered if I should go to an ER, and decided to relax and go to sleep and see what it was in the Morning. When we took it a hour ago it was 114/70 and I was greatly relieved. My wife suggested not taking the Losartan at all this Morning, not even a half dose, and I agreed.
Have any of you experienced anything like this? Is it possible it is related to my CLL? I'm going to see my Primary again on Tuesday, and likely he'll be pissed at me for not cutting my dose in half last Monday after I saw him, but I'd really like input from those who live with CLL like I do. I can message my Specialist in Boston through the Patient Portal, but I'm trying not to message her unless its really important and related to my illness. What do you think?