I have been taking Acalabrutinib in a clinical trial for three years achieving excellent results.
A few days back I tripped over uneven paving while enjoying my daily walk. I hit the concrete hard. Fortunately no broken bones.
By that evening a nasty bruise had appeared on my right side and abdomen. By next morning the bruise was significant.
I consulted with my GP and also with my clinical trial team who agreed I should cease taking my Acalabrutinib for three days. Which I did.
By next morning scary bruising covered my right mid side and a swollen edema had formed within the bruise. My GP ordered a CT Contrast Scan which showed that bruising was contained and not impacting other organs.
My GP directed me not to restart my Acalabrutinib for another four days and my blood thinner aspirin not for another week.
I was aware that Acalabrutinib contributes to bruising as does aspirin. However this huge and heavy bruising has given me a nasty fright.
I think it's now under control. I get reviewed by my GP in five days. I am a bit concerned about clots as I am off both the Acalabrutinib and aspirin but we have to stop the bruising from spreading.
Has anyone else on Acalabrutinib or brutinib suffered a similar experience and recovery?
I welcome any advice. Thanks.
Best regards