In a response to a recent post, I was alerted to the importance of being up to date with vaccination against Tetanus.
Tetanus is a serious, life-threatening condition caused by bacteria getting into a wound. It's rare in the UK because the tetanus vaccine has been part of the routine vaccination schedule for many years.
Thus reads the official NHS guidance at which goes on to say Check with your GP surgery if you’re not sure you’ve been fully vaccinated against tetanus.
When I did check with my GP surgery, however, I was told that a) I last received a tetanus jab in 2008, and b) I would only need a booster jab before travelling to a country where tetanus is considered a high risk; otherwise I could have a tetanus shot if I suffered a wound where tetanus infection would be a risk, such as a dog bite.
I marvel at the depth of medical knowledge of our surgery's telephone receptionists! Nevertheless, she grudgingly agreed to check with the (highly experienced) nurse who oversees vaccinations for the practice. Today I received a text message offering me a tetanus booster appointment on Friday. Gratefully accepted.
The morals of the story:
1. Check your tetanus (and other) vaccination status, because you can't rely on "the system" to do it for you.
2. Read the official guidelines and any exceptions that may apply to you because of your health issues, and post here for advice.
3. Don't accept the first answer you're given if it conflicts with what you believe based on 2 above. Come back here for advice if needed.