After a couple of attempts to get my local GP surgery to get me a 3rd primary jab, I gave up as they refused to acknowledge anything other than the 6 month booster. (despite the links to the various announcements and NHS Green book I sent them.) As result, I had to wait for 6 months after the second jab before I could even book a 3rd / booster. I had my 3rd dose last week, but this morning I had a text from the NHS saying "As you are at increased risk of complications from COVID-19, you are a priority to receive your COVID-19 booster vaccine. Visit ...or call 119 to book.." Does this mean that the system has finally caught up and are notifying those on the previous vulnerable list? Whatever the reason behind the text I now suspect that as I will ignore it (having managed to get a 3rd jab) my lack of response to the text will probably add to the statistics of those apparently avoiding a 3rd dose ....
Ian C