So relatively new to the “CLL journey” on W&W, and the posted question certainly is one for a CLL specialist n maybe a GP. But I thought as a general question to throw out to the CLL community to see if there have been any non-CLL drugs that has caused “harm” towards your CLL fight/condition? By harm, I mean make your CLL condition worse or the drug (with CLL) gives you a bad adverse side affect or something else?
What I mean by drugs for this post question (Prescrip or non-prescrip, aka supplements) are the ones you take for “non-CLL reasons” like for example, drugs for a heart condition and say you take a blood pressure prescription drug and an aspirin (non-prescription drug) for that. Or you take a non-prescription drug (like D3) to help with a vitamin D deficiency.
Just wondering what drug(s) to look out for, to suggest (if possible) to “not taking” in the fight against CLL.... Especially any supplements that has “thrown a wrench” into the CLL fight.