Following our CLL diagnosis, one of our first questions is why me? What did I do, or not do, that caused me to get CLL? Many of us have shared what we think caused us to develop CLL/SLL, but in reality, unlike some other blood cancers, there is little firm evidence of exposure of any specific carcinogens being strongly linked with the subsequent development of CLL.
Quite often, we read of studies reporting correlations between diet and other lifestyle factors and specific cancers or other health conditions. But just because two quantities are correlated does not necessarily mean that one is directly causing the other to change. Correlation does not imply causation, just like cloudy weather does not imply rainfall, even though the reverse is true.
Why correlation does not imply causation?
Photo: Living near high-voltage power lines raises children's risk of leukemia by 69%, a British study shows.
That doesn't prove that power lines cause the deadly blood cancer, the study's authors are quick to point out. Despite 30 years of research, scientists still can't come up with a plausible reason why the weak magnetic fields near power lines might cause leukemia.
What is puzzling is that the magnetic field from power lines is only 1% of the earth's magnetic field, which surrounds us all," Dickinson tells WebMD. "Your fridge or vacuum generates a magnetic field of about the same strength. In England and Wales, only 5% of the exposure to magnetic fields comes from high voltage pylons. So if this is a hazard, people with appliances should be just as concerned.
One interesting proposal suggested to explain the increased risk of childhood leukaemia seen for children living near high voltage power lines, is that the pylons and lines lower the desirability of living in the neighbourhood. The resulting lower cost of housing, means that those living there are less able to afford better quality food, health care and so on.
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