I have a question regarding a possible medication side effect. This is an odd one (and also embarrassing), but I have spoken with a pharmacist, my local oncologist's nurse, a nurse practioner at my local cancer center, a nurse with the drug company that makes Rituxin, and read multiple entries on the computer, and no one has ever heard of or reported this particular issue.
I started Venetoclax on January 21st, ramped up to 400 mg on February 18th, and had my first Rituxin infusion on February 25th. For the most part, everything went well on the Venetoclax (some joint stiffness and tummy distress), but I did breakout in hives during the Rituxin infusion...had to get additional Benadryl and steroids to settle down the allergic reaction. Then the strange thing happened...a couple of days after the first Rituxin infusion, both of my breasts swelled. They were visibly bigger, felt heavier than normal yet weight didn't change, both breasts were very sore like I was in full blown PMS mode, and undergarments fit differently.
I have 2 more infusions behind me, and my breasts are still enlarged compared to what they were prior to starting the Rituxin. My weight is now up about 5 pounds, but for the first month, I held in at 142 pounds. However, even with the weight gain, they are still larger and heavier than is normal for me.
The only "theory" I have heard that makes any sense is from the pharmacist in wondering whether the Rituxin (or possibly the Venetoclax/Rituxin cocktail) is interacting with the hormone replacement therapy I am on. I use Estradiol (transdermal patch) 0.0375 mg/day which is changed twice a week, and I have been using it ~15 years. At the recommendation of a nurse practitioner at my local cancer center, I actually have a PCP appointment tomorrow (May 16) to talk about weening myself off the HRT.
Has anyone ever heard of this happening while on Venetoclax or Rituxin? It has just been strange...feel like I am in PMS all over again! Ugh!