I was diagnosed with CLL in February 2018, following a period of feeling very tired, low Hb, shortness of breath and night sweats. After numerous blood tests, CT scan, gastroscopy and colonoscopy (to rule out any bleeding) I was given my diagnosis and told that I needed chemo treatment, due to symptoms, extensive swollen lymph nodes throughout my chest and abdomen (only 1 lump in my neck) and a low Hb.
Started FCR chemo in April 2018 for 6 months. Had quite a rough time with a number of hospital admissions, but post chemo scan and bone marrow biopsy shows a good response to the chemo.
Returned to work in the October - struggled with high levels of fatigue and 'chemo brain', but found that the work provided good 'distraction therapy'. So good to think of something different from appointments and how you feel.
Support from work colleagues has been invaluable, especially as I live alone with little support from elsewhere.