Anyone from Ontario know if OHIP now covers Imbruvica? What I have found out about it is dated 2014 and since an oral drug, may not be covered. Get with it Ontario. May have to move to BC if I want to stay alive and free of bankruptcy!!!
Curling 123: Anyone from Ontario know if OHIP... - CLL Support
Curling 123

Cllcanada would be most familiar with this.
I believe Ontario currently has the most broad funding criteria in Canada and continued changes are expected hopefully this year as more trials/publications are released. Ontario protocol guideline is below:
For patients with previously untreated chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)/small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) who present with one of the following cytogenic markers:
• chromosome 17p deletion; OR
• TP 53 mutation; OR
• unmutated immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region (IgHV)
Renewal criteria : Patient has experienced no disease progression while on Imbruvica therapy. Initial and renewal approval period: 1 year.
page 137
Unless you are 17p deleted (or maybe have the TP53 ) Ibrutinib is not covered in BC for a first line therapy.
Guess you haven't heard that BC does not mean British Columbia - it means Bring Cash - as cost of living has skyrocketed and difficult for the average person now.
You may find the information listed in the protocol for treatment from the Ontario cancer centre. Your hematologist should also be aware. Also, if you have private insurance you may find out from them with a phone call or e-mail.
Sandy Beaches
BC recently changed the eligibility criteria
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia or small lymphocytic lymphoma with high risk disease e.g chromosome...17 p deletion and no prior therapy
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia or small lymphocytic lymphoma patients ineligible for FCR who have received no prior therapy (FCR ineligible is defined as patients over 65 years of age, and/or a strong clinical reason that the patient is ineligible for FCR)
AST/ALT less than 3 x ULN
A Compassionate Access Program (CAP) approval is required prior to the initiation of treatment (please refer to
* Patients are eligible to receive either idelalisib with riTUXimab (ULYIDELAR) OR iBRUtinib (ULYIBRU) in the relapsed/refractory setting. ULYIDELAR is not funded as a sequential treatment option for patients who have progressed on iBRUtinib, except as a bridge to allogeneic transplant in patients who have received first-line iBRUtinib for 17p deletion (ULYFIBRU) or high risk disease.
Thanks to member alpek for advising me about this ...👍🏼
~chris 🇨🇦
We also live in Ontario, and my husband is going to be starting Imbruvica. The Oncologist at the cancer center immediately had the Center apply to my husbands work drug plan once he was confirmed with a 17 p/TP53 and unmutated. Thankfully it was approved but my husband does have a yearly maximum of$100,000. They also had us fill out paperwork for some possible grant assistance for drug costs through the Ontario Trillium foundation. So what we have learned so far is, that Imbruvica is approved in Ontario if you have the 17p /TP 53 or unmutated ighv, but it is not covered through OHIP. We were also told that if you are over 65 then this medication would be covered through the drug plan for seniors. We too were shocked to find out that this life saving medication is not covered through our health care.
Curling123, There is assistance available if you do not have a private drug plan we have been told, and first place I would suggest you look into is the Trillium foundation. Good luck!
Thank you for this information. I am 17p, TP 53 as well. May I ask how long was it before it was decided your husband had to take treatment? Was he able to wait and watch for a period of time, or was 17p and symptoms the reason.
My husband has been on w & w for almost 4 years since being diagnosed. He has had gradual symptoms of swollen glands all over, night sweats, and fatigue, but it has been manageable for him and he has continued to work. Last November he woke up to a huge lymph node under his arm and he then saw the oncologist/hematologist and they scheduled the further testing of bone marrow biopsy as well as testing for the 17p/tp53 markers. Since then he has had further tests done, CT, and lymph node biopsy. All approvals are in place for Ibrutinib and on Tuesday he has an appointment with the oncologist where we will get all results and we are expecting that they will start the treatment process.
Thank you Garcar. Hope he does well on Ibrutinib. Seems the right therapy for us with 17p/TP53. I have no symptoms at this point. Oncology appointment this week. Hoping I don’t require medication just yet until I can absorb and get over the initial shock if all this since this February. Keep us posted on how he is doing. Wishing you both the best.