After 5 months of trouble free ibrutinib (great relief from troublesome symptoms and reduction of nasty looking lumps, one of 8cm in my neck) I suddenly came down with atrial fibrillation. Very distressing, heavy palpitations. Got anticoagulants and more betablocker (already had hypertension) not much relief yet. Does this mean I have to come off ibrutinib? It would be a shame?
Ibrutinib & atrial fibrillation: After 5 months... - CLL Support
Ibrutinib & atrial fibrillation

You really need your hematologist and your cardiologist to discuss this. CLLCanada (Chris) suggests finding an onco - cardiologist, a cardiologist who deals with oncology, also. It could be that with time off, or a reduced dose, you could stay on Ibrutinib, but you need doctors to appraise your case and to look at a Plan A, and a Plan B if you aren't seeing improvement.
I was on Imbruvica 6 months when I got atrial fibrillation. Dr. took me off for 8 days while I saw a cardiologist. Both Dr.'s conferred and I was given Eliquis and put back on Imbruvica. I have been back on for 1 year. During that time I had severe joint pain and my dosage was reduced to 280 from 420 mg. So far I am still doing ok on imbruvica. I have been on 280 mg. for 6 months now. One thing I have learned on this site, is everyone is different. Hoping the best for you.
You're so right Bill. Everyone is different and there is no one size fits all for anything and especially CLL.
I got AFib in my 6th month on ibrutinib. Hospitalized for a week - they had to wait 4 days for the ibrutinib to clear my system before they could treat me with Amiodarone which got my heart rate down from 180 to 40. Once stabilized, they had me slowly ramp up the ibrutinib over a week to full dose together with metoprolole. 5 months later I'm doing fine. Like others have said here, you need your cardiologist and CLL specialist to work together to coordinate treatment and meds.
thanks everyone. Gp increased my betablockers fibrillations subsided. Now got severe joint pain. see the haematologist next week.