Just had a call back from a (lady) doctor after my call to the (male) consultant and (male) trial nurse to complain about lack of monitoring by the hospital. Take what inference you will from this!
Unreserved apologies. A new team had taken over the discharge papers when I left hospital. I pointed out that my key worker, on checking the system also missed that I hadn’t been monitored and didn’t seem particularly concerned about the racing heart and breathlessness.
This doctor tells me that ANY breathlessness whereby I (or any of you) can't Walk more than a few feet without stopping + racing heart and we need to be checked out immediately. Even if it means going to A&E. So please note that everyone on FCR, if you aren’t already aware of it.
There is nothing I can really do to up my iron. Blood transfusion is only answer if HB drops below 75 again.
As I am sure most of you know, they advise no gardening that may involve contact with soil or breathing in soil particles, when neutrophils are low. (This contradicts key worker, who said I could garden in gloves). Also no fruit that isn’t peeled or canned.
So, hopefully they have upped their game and I now know a lot more about symptoms to be aware of and things to avoid. If the above is of use to anyone else, then doubly good.
I used to think that doctors, nurses and hospitals were all knowing and no need to question, but we need to be so aware of ensuring they do adhere to the correct procedures and also check your meds. While in hospital I had to remind nurses on two occasions when they forgot my injections and meds. I know they are busy, but mistakes can be life threatening, so we have to be on the ball too.
Thanks to everyone for your help, support and good wishes. It’s really helped me through a scary and horrible time.