Happy to report first day (of two) of treatment done and feel fine. Bit od a sticky moment half an hour in, feeling palpitations and breathless. Nurses think this was due to steroids I’d been given initially to counter any adverse reaction. After ECG and doctor checking me over, treatment continued and I feel fine. Let’s hope tomorrow is as good.
First. FCR treatment: Happy to report first day... - CLL Support
First. FCR treatment

Well done. Take all the advice there is and don’t forget to ask the nurses if unsure of anything you need to do in the next few days.

Rituxan can also cause that type of reaction on the first day. The good news is that if it was the rituxan, most people adjust to it and don't deal with further reactions. It sounds like you are in a great infusion center where staff is right on top of things. Keep us posted.
On my first day and within 30 minutes of treatment, I turned beat red and told my wife I was really hot. She looked at me and quickly got the nurses to attend to me. After 30 minutes, I started Rituxan again and did fine. Did not have any other reactions during my 6 months of treatment. Hoping the best for you too.
That’s great Bill. So pleased for you and hope I’ll be the same. My reaction was just the same. Having the second treatment as I type this, so fingers crossed
I have to include this. I went through my Wife's chemo treatment for ovarian cancer so thought I could handle my treatment with no problem. But I was anxious and very nervous. The nurses could see that on my face. They did a wonderful job. It makes me think, if there are angels is this world the nurses in Chemotherapy centers that I experienced are Angels. I drank two Gatorade 2 bottles during my treatment plus a lot of water after that. It really helped. Again, wishing you the best.
Thank you Bill and hope you and your wife are both well? I’m almost through the second day of my first treatment and drinking lots of water. So far OK, fingers crossed it continues. I’ve been doing yoga deep breathing too - anything to get through!
I had rigors/tremors as well and they slowed down my drip and was fine as well! All the best to you !
Hi Mandy,
You should be fine tomorrow, they will reduce the flow of the Rituximab for the first hour or so to reduce any further probs.
Good luck,