Hi.I m shamim shakir.I want to know that green tea is good for thyroid and low vitamin d people. I have a desperation problem.plz reply me as I m suffering bad health problem need urgent reply.Thanks
A feedback: Hi.I m shamim shakir.I want to know... - CLL Support
A feedback

Hi Shamim Shakir,
The discussion about green tea on this community is based on clinical trials of a pharmaceutical grade product supplied to early stage patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia. As the effect on patients with a thyroid condition or low vitamin D wasn't studied, we unfortunately can't assist you with any relevant advice. You may interested to know that some on the trial suffered gastrointestinal side effects and the high doses used (4 grams of the active ingredient EGCG) caused some to have raised liver function test results, showing that their livers were adversely impacted by the product, which is also no longer available.
While there are similar products available, one of the clinical study authors has publicly stated that he doesn't recommend Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia patients take high dose green tea, because due to the unregulated herbal supplements industry in the USA (and in many other countries), there is no guarantee of what is being provided.
I recommend that you see your doctor for advice, perhaps asking them to refer you to a specialist in thyroid conditions.

You don't say whether you have CLL and a thyroid problem. I'm sorry you are dealing with serious health problems. You would have to provide much more about your situation before anyone could even share that they have dealt with a similar situation. Both your thyroid and vitamin D levels should be tested if they haven't been and the results discussed with your doctor, as far as what to do if they are out of range.