Don’t stand so close to me!: I want to now live... - CLL Support

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Don’t stand so close to me!

SunnyCA profile image
19 Replies

I want to now live in a bubble after this year’s flu! It’s now going on a month and I’m still coughing. Thanks to Tamiflu I avoided some of the misery. However, my 3 month CLL check at Mayo came back with a dropped neutrophil count as well as a dropped hemoglobin count from last time - all from the flu apparently - my numbers were better last time. Lymphocytes still dropping so that’s good though WBC remained flat at 18 - same as last time. I’m a year plus on Ibrutinib. They loaded me up with a third round of antibiotics and an IVIG infusion. So hoping I can finally recover and get back to normal. I think bowing at a safe distance is a much better idea than hand shaking - no?

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SunnyCA profile image
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19 Replies
UK-Sparky profile image

Sometimes you need to think of yourself first Sunny CA. I try to avoid social groups where bugs are on the go. Friends and family are in the know and love me enough to tell me if they have active colds coughs. Take care of yourself

UK Sparky

SunnyCA profile image
SunnyCA in reply to UK-Sparky

Thank you! I usually avoid big crowds - more reason to do so now.

JR1964 profile image

Know the feeling. Just now getting over a severe head cold. Coughing, sore throat, nausea, fever. Was checked for flu but came back negative. GP was proactive though. Gave me Tamiflu and antibiotics and have been feeling way better. Was out today with family and ate at a restaurant and was asking myself- should I really be here. But I try to enjoy life and not let the CLL hold be back. Stay Strong-J.R.

SunnyCA profile image
SunnyCA in reply to JR1964

So do I but am going to be more vigilant - just should not have done crowds during a particularly bad flu season. Have been feeling so well of late got a little too confident about my immune system which clearly is not up to it. Rookie mistake - I know better.

JR1964 profile image

P.S.- Like The Police as well.👍👍

KL2018 profile image
KL2018 in reply to JR1964

Best post title ever. Hahaha!

Ballyhoo77 profile image

I do the fist bump or elbow bump first Rather to be safe. And make sure of no open wounds. And then I use hand sanitizer again after just to be safe. Wishing you the very best.

SunnyCA profile image
SunnyCA in reply to Ballyhoo77

Thank you! At this point I don’t want anyone’s fist or elbow in the same zip code as mine! :-)

MsLockYourPosts profile image
MsLockYourPostsPassed Volunteer

Stiff arm fist bump to the chest maybe if someone sick doesn't understand staying home, and at the very least staying away from others in a crowd.

SunnyCA profile image
SunnyCA in reply to MsLockYourPosts

I’m going to say hello with the following “sorry don’t want to shake as may be getting a cold” voila - no more contact!

MsLockYourPosts profile image
MsLockYourPostsPassed Volunteer in reply to SunnyCA

You can also wear a mask. It keeps some people at a distance, as they think you are the germs one. Whatever it takes!

SeymourB profile image

Asians have known about masks and bowing for centuries. Designer masks are now happening here:

Resist the urge to rob the local bank, though. They probably have color cameras now ...

I often think that the ROUSes of Princess Bride (Rodents Of Unusual Size) are somehow related to ROSes (Reactive Oxygen Species) in inflamed cells.

Less romantic, perhaps, but I need some kinda visual to spur my inner hero on ... even one cell at a time.

SunnyCA profile image
SunnyCA in reply to SeymourB

Now those are cool masks! As is your visual to spur your inner hero on! 😂

Que-sera-sera profile image

Knock on wood I still have managed to not catch the flu but I don't think that speaks to the state of my health as much as it speaks to my being at home a!

Have not even flown since January, however, I come to think of it, I do shop in crowded stores pretty often and even go to the gym! Which I think both are "kinda" risky and so when I'm there, just like you, I question myself. Today I looked around and my wishful thinking said that if they had the flu, they probably be at home in their couch... Fingers crossed ;-)!

SunnyCA profile image
SunnyCA in reply to Que-sera-sera

I go to the gym a lot and have had no issues - this happened by going to cold MN for the Super Bowl. One and done. Now I can’t get rid of residual cough and was told exercise will aggravate my bronchial passages so I’m going stir crazy having to just sit around.

KL2018 profile image

Did you ever watch “Monk”? I’ve been told I’m not immunosuppressed but let’s face it, not shaking a sore throat led me to this group. I have become weirdly compulsive about wiping down my phone, steering wheel, remotes etc. I’m taking my first flight soon after getting this diagnosis. Weighing the benefits of wearing a hazmat suit!! Sheesh!

SunnyCA profile image
SunnyCA in reply to KL2018

A Hazmat suit is an excellent idea! I do wipe down the seat and table on airplanes with disinfectant wipes - you are not alone!

Miller1960 profile image

Hi,I have Cll, going on my third year.Started low dose Fludarabeen three days on in a four week cycle.No side effects to report.Was doing so good until I got hit with this nasty cold cough.Been off work for 8 days now.The cough is so persistent, I'm riding it out,tylonal and lots of lemon water.Terrified of going to Dr office.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


SunnyCA profile image

Add honey to lemon water and drink lots of it. But if you have any phelm that is not clear you may need antibiotics. I am on my third round - very important to stay on top of it as we can go down hill fast. Feel better!

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