Two years ago I was so angry and confused. I had no ideal there were so many others experiencing CLL. I started to read all the post and would wake during the night when it would wake me up to read lol the new post. I responded to a few post but realized I was very fortunate to be in the watch and wait group, even though I was experiencing fatigue and chronic lung problems. I want go into all the test, etc but I was getting to the point of not being able to walk across the floor without difficulty breathing and coughing my head off
I started having iVIG infusions unfortunately the side effects from 2 infusions were to extreme to continue. I ended up having a Bronchoscopic and biopsy when I was told I hadMRSA in my lungs. The biopsy came back and I was diagnosed Bronchial tissue with lymphocytic infiltrate. My liver is enlarged and treatment is on the horizon
I will be starting Bendamustine/Rituximab after Christmas. My question has anyone experienced MRSA in their lungs and then diagnosed with my diagnosis followed with the chemo described above.
Any response greatly appreciated.