If any of you know about this, sorry for the repeat, but I Just found the term "Spoonies" in one of my friend's Facebook posts. The term comes from having an illness that cannot be seen, that causes fatigue and affects how you live, what you can do each day ,etc. If interested, this is a good read. The author has Lupus, but much of what she said sounds a lot like what we go through with CLL. Some days I have plenty of spoons to use to get everything done and have some left over, but sometimes just getting up and dressed uses all my spoons for the day! The website is ButYouDontLookSick.com. I would have copied and pasted but it is copyrighted.
Saturday, My spouse and I are headed across the pond to the Normandy area for a week. Our last free trip since my hubby retires the end of the May. We will have to pay for any trips from here on!! Got my IVIG treatment last week so immune system is topped off . Have my Clorox wipes and masks and gloves and antibiotics ready to go. Now just have to remember to be careful of what I eat and drink, as my tummy is very prone to upset over the least little thing. Dread the flight but looking forward to seeing the French countryside on our drive from Paris to Deauville.
Hope every one has a good Monday and a great week!!