I received my results after finishing my FCR/Duvelisib trial treatment August 20th. And I wanted to share my good news with you all. I had a bone marrow biopsy done 2 weeks ago and the result is a have achieved a complete remission. I am so happy. I am glad I did not give up, because many days I did not think I would finish the treatment. So for anyone needing treatment, just "believe" and have faith and don't give up.
I am still taking duvelisib daily, and because I am on a trial, I will need to take it for a total of 2 years.
I want to thank everyone who posts here, as I always look forward to reading everyone's posts. This was my lifeline many days, and it helped me understand and decide what treatment was best for me.
If anyone has any questions about this trial I will be very happy to answer your questions.