Hello Dear Support Group, I had intense FDR in 2010, had to stop because of toxicity. I did not loose my hair, but my hemotologist told me I would. Is it common not to loose hair during cll treatment? Also, shy of unmutated illness and without other flags, I am a basic cller, indolent, but my lymphnodes were large at diagnosis and a biopsy concluded stage 4 sll. I wonder if any of you had long remission with FDR and what happens if it comes back just a little, not showing many positive cancer cells in flow cementry. I have my next check in December, but if statistics I read on this site are correct I could be in w&w for a long time. I guess I have three questions.
1. Does anyone lose their hair? 2. If I am not aggressive, zap 70 or mutated I have the liberty hood of living a normal life? 3. If it is only a little bit back w&w could be a lifer?
Thank you, anything you can offer would be tremendous help. Thank you, Kimsome