Hi My name is Hugh Forgie. I am a member and supporter of CLLSA. I have had CLL for over 12 years. Over the past 6 years I have had 2 lots of chemotherapy. I have now developed a TP53 deletion which means I can't t have any more chemo. I am now on Ibrutinib.
in June of next year my wife and I plan to cycle 2000 miles between us, in 10 days, to raise awareness and funds specifically for CLL reasearch at the Paul O'Gorman Centre in Glasgow. Please refer to our Just Giving link justgiving.com/Margaret-For... or go into Google and type in Just Giving then search for Hugh Forgie in the bar at the top. Any help would be much appreciated.
My wife and I will be attending the meeting at Brentford on 16th December and would love to meet you there.
Any help given will benefit all of us.
Hugh and Margaret Forgie