Hello. I found out I have SLL/CLL earlier this year at 31. I had Rituxan treatment shortly after since I have neutropenia I can't seem to shake. I will save this for another post.
My lymph nodes are visible but not huge yet. Since I have 11q I have read it can become a bulky disease. Not sure if they mean months/years/decades...
I need some advice and points of view on a matter:
Over the past months I have become more fascinated with leukemia and applied for a job to help in clinical research. It is a coordinator/data position in bone marrow transplant. It is starting to look like I could get the job. I am debating whether to tell the physician I work under about my condition. I am sure she will spot my nodes sooner or later and express concern. I do not want to lie or feel like I have to hide them. Also, I have no idea if I would have to quit 5 years from now, a decade, or six months from now if I need serious treatment. To be honest any other job I wouldn't question keeping it to myself. This seems different... thoughts?