Dear all I am 36 years old and I have trisomy 12 and IGHV mutated status, lymphocytes count 78%. I found that I am low on vitamin B12. I am on W&W for two year now, and low on vitamin B12 for 1,5 year. Neutrophil count 19%, B2M 1,9 (range 0,8-2,2) and LDH 187 (upper limit is 220). WBC is 8.30 (range 4,00-10,00), RBC is 4,90 (range 4.50-5,80) and all other blood results like hemoglobin, erythrocytes, hematocrit, platelets etc are in optimal range. Spleen a little enlarged, and having enlarged nodes in armpit, neck, stomach and groin ( size not more then 2,5 cm per node).
I fill a little bit exhausted in the evening (but not so strange having on mind the fact that I am working full time job, and taking care of two little children). I don't have any major problems except occasional seasonal flu during the winter...
1) Is there anybody who has any experience of using Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa) cold pressed Oil or medical mushroom extracts?
2) I am wondering is supplementation of B12 vitamin a good choice for me or it is better to avoid it (having on mind DNA replication, possible proliferation of leukemia B lymphocytes etc)
Thanks in advance