Again, thank you all for even reading my posts. But you have also given me new information and new hope. Not to be melodramatic, but to see some of you have been doing W & W for years is encouraging, and that those of you on treatment, also appear to me to be very positive and proactive.
I think Watch and Wait is a stupid term. Wait for what? yes, I know, symptoms or labs that say start medical intervention. But the idea of waiting, which implies it's gonna get you sooner or later and there's nothing you can do about it, is maddening.
I've already mentioned my proactive steps and I have to believe that I"m stronger in mind and body for it.
Now, I need to ask you guys: About the labs (CBC auto differential). Every six months now for 5 times, and the only concerning thing (for me) is continued low WBC and platelets. I've always been at the low normal for WBC and platelets are just a bit over bottom normal. Which are the ones that tell you it's getting closer to treatment? Yes, I know WBC components are important lymphocytes and. neutrophils, etc. But how should good numbers look. And I know each lab has a different 'normal' reference range. Also I haven't had a ct in two years except for the one 6 months after official diagnosis of indolent CLL/SLL. That CT showed "minimal growth" since the one a year before. During those 6 months, I cut way back on sugars and starches and started doing some work on my emotional/mental habits. That minimal growth after 6 months of proactive, compares to lymph nodes doubling in size the year before diagnosis. So, again I think W & W is garbage talk.
thanks for listening.