no treatment for cll only 8 weekly checks at hospital w&w .Had 2 ct scans 1st one revealed lung nodules 2nd one revealed one nodule growing and another in my thyroid gland told yesterday need a lung biopsy already had tonsils out and a lump removed from my side this was just a lipoma (fatty lump). Is anyone out there has the same or had a nodule growing in the lung and it turned out ok I am very worried thanks
buzzybab diagnosed march 13 with CLL - CLL Support
buzzybab diagnosed march 13 with CLL

Hi Sorry that you are so worried which I can well understand. I am sure that others will give advice but just to say best wishes and good luck.
Hi Buzzybab, So sorry to hear you are going through all this. I was diagnosed with CLL in Nov. 2013. I also had a CT scan that revealed three nodules on my lungs and something on my liver as well. I had additional testing right away done on my liver and that turned out to be an FNH (which is a benign growth that does not require removal). I am going for a repeat CT scan of my lungs next month to see if the lung nodules have grown. Apparently, they are checking to see if the nodules are growing very quickly. If not, you just follow-up with an annual CT scan for a few years. I was also terrified when I got the report back, so I understand exactly how you feel. The good thing is that by having the CT scan done, if they are concerning, at least they were caught!! After talking to friends and relatives about this finding, I was surprised to find that a couple of them also have lung nodules that either haven't changed in size or have grown slowly for years and are felt to be benign. My physician did not feel these nodules were even related to my CLL and were an incidental finding. Wishing you the best of luck. Keep us posted.
Thanks just had my appointment through for biopsy it is on wednesday so keeping fingers crossed
I will be thinking of you on Wednesday buzzybab. Sending you best wishes for a good result. Stay strong!
Hi Buzzybab
I'm sure many of us will be thinking of you and Wednesday and wishing you have the good result nvp815 wished for you.
Do let us know how you get on when you feel up to it.
Good luck