HelloCan anyone tell me if cirrhosis can be seen on a liver ultrasound?
Ultrasound : HelloCan anyone tell me if... - British Liver Trust

Hi Jinnie,I'm not totally sure. I know it can identify ragged edges in the profile of the liver caused by cirrhosis scarring and it will also pick up obvious lesions. Best bet is to ask your consultant and the scan tech.
Hello,Yes, my husbands cirrhosis was diagnosed by ultrasound scan, following abnormal blood results.
Ultrasound tends to be used in conjunction with blood tests, clinical judgement and often a fibroscan or the more invasive biopsy, to diagnose cirrhosis. The ultrasound will show up any changes in the shape and size of the liver, density and surface texture. It also shows up blood flow through the portal vein and any abnormalities such as cysts or tumours.
Thank you for replies.
Hello. Yes is the simple answer. Not used to diagnose on its own though (thats blood tests etc ). Hubbie has one every year to check up on his... it shows the surface of the liver and any scars bumps lesions etc which is cirrhosis. They can even measure the marks to monitor changes and check to see if it's changing by comparing scans. They also check the gall bladder at the same time.
If you hubby was diagnosed with cirrhosis and you are in the UK he should be getting US every six months not yearly ?
He did when he was decompensated but now yearly and yearly endoscopy with 4 monthly bloods. He is now compensated with nearly normal bloods. It does seem to be different around the country. He has never had a fibroscan either but a did have a biopsy.
Ayreshire Katie might know better but my understanding is that NICE guidance in the UK is for US scans 6 monthy even with compensated cirrhosis and that is what my Hepatologist has told me I will get.
Hubbie was told as he has had no varices and he is now well enough with no symptoms that his consultant nolonger needs to see him unless blood tests or yearly scans throw something up, it's yearly monitoring only. Last letter in may said he was now discharged. Which is amazing as he was so poorly. As I said it seems to differ across the country. I trust King's and Maidstone as they have been brilliant.
So he had a decompensated liver and it changed back to compensated? Is that from diet?
Yes he has got back to compensated. His was AIH and ARLD with possible heamochromatosis. Diet played a part but he was never overweight. It was a change of lifestyle, eating very healthy, exercise and a combination of immune suppressants and steroids for the AIH to go into remission. Also getting his anxiety under control was a big thing. It took about 18 months 2 years to start getting good results and it was 2 1/2 years to be as well as he is now. He knows he is very lucky and that many others are not. We have everything crossed that the AIH doesn't come back.
Did he lose weight and muscle loss? If so did he regain it back and if so how?
Yes he did look very gaunt with thin arms etc when he was at his worse. The consultant reccomended high protein diet and gentle exercise to gradually build him up. With small and frequent meals. I guess it depends on your starting point to how long it can take as every journey is different.
I was diagnosed by initial routine blood tests being abnormal, followed by ultrasound scan that indicated cirrhosis, followed by a fibroscan that confirmed it.
My Ultrasound results usually say they are consistent with cirrhosis.
I was diagnosed following indicative blood test, a long history of abnormal blood tests following admission to hospital and given strong antibiotics for pneumonia and a fibroscan. It can to light after I wanted to go on HRT and the Dr was concerned about my previous blood tests and a fibroscan was requested. This was nearly 2 years ago.
Since then my 6 monthly ultrasounds have shown no abnormalities. When querying this with the consultant he told me that the main purpose of an ultrasound is to detect cancer. He has ordered a fibroscan for the end of the year to check for progression. I’ve asked for a biopsy but he says this is not necessary as blood tests and fibroscan 19kpa are a diagnosis. So I would say that an ultrasound on its own may show some abnormalities but on its own probably not used for a firm diagnosis of cirrhosis.
I was diagnosed by ultrasound. Every scan I've had they tell me they can clearly see liver scarring. It's certainly not going away. The main reason for 6 monthly US is to identify any tumors
I have cirrhosis. I have 6 monthly ultra sound scans more to rule out liver cancer which whilst still a small chance cirrohsis does increase it.
I gave up all alcohol over 2 years ago. Kept me alive really.
they can see the nodules and irregularities
Hi Jinnie 123
I had a fibroscan, and an ultrasound which Indicated I had cirrhosis, I then had a biopsy which confirmed It. You may also go down that line.
Good luck