I called the lab and they released my report to me (shocking) it says “minimally coarsened hepatic echotexture suggesting diffuse hepatocellular process” no fluid found The interior vena cava intact. Pancreas,kidneys unremarkable. My question is first layman’s turn if allowed second this is still workable with diet and exercise right. If I keep up the not drinking I could possibly work on better scores I go back July 30. I’m worried about diet any feedback would be graciously received. Thanks everyone!
Ultrasound results : I called the lab... - British Liver Trust
Ultrasound results

Hi, apologies I can’t comment on it as I’m not a Doctor - they will be able to help you. Word to the wise don’t Google it!
Re: diet, you need to eat healthily and watch portion sizes. See the link below:
I don't eat anything processed, no red meat or anything white, bread rice. Try healthy swaps initially so whole grain bread and rice instead of white. I eat mostly fish, occasionally chicken and turkey at Christmas! I only eat grilled food, nothing fried and lots of veg and blueberries, bananas and raw carrots to snack on. I only drink water, no alcohol as I don’t like it and regular exercise. My liver is regenerating as a result.
As I said before, only a Doctor can answer your question but if you eat healthily and exercise, for life, if there is anything wrong it shouldn’t get worse. Hope this helps,
Hi Bluebonnet1,
It sounds like things are doing fairly well.
Your doctor would be the best place to get the most informed information.
Eating well and not drinking won't hurt and could help. For the best info calling your doctor and seeing if they can recommend anything would still be best.
Best wishes,

I was doing so well and a terrible thing happened this weekend I had a really special occasion and ..., I drank wine after being off for several weeks. I’m sitting here disgusted with myself and scared to death I’ve made things worse!!! I’m thinking my eyes and skin are yellow and my liver hurts. I was doing so well. Eating well exercising, drinking coffee( which I hate) I feel like now I’ve done it!! I was happy to see the results didn’t see cirrhosis per se and imbibed. Stupidily thinking it shouldnt hurt just this once my child’s graduation from university. I of course over did it ate terribly at all the fancy dinners. I’m in the bathroom crying disgusted with myself, now can’t sleep a wink with worry!
Hi Bluebonne1,
I can't speak to whether you have made things worse for yourself or not, but you may have made it harder to go back to not drinking.
The problem with "just this once" is it makes it easier to do again unless you can bring the memories of this up - being mad at yourself for going off the wagon, the worry, and the ease with overdoing it.
My hope is that you can go back on the wagon and look back on this as a one time slip.
My husband's liver doctor allows him to drink non-alcoholic beer & wine. That came after about a year and it is what he still is drinking 3 years later. I don't remember where you live, but we are in the US. Perhaps you could try non-alcoholic if the urge comes on again, it can be difficult to do at some venues - our oldest had his wedding catered and they did not have n/a and he couldn't drink it inside, but our eldest went out and bought him some and he drank it outside.
I'm sorry you had a lapse, but the future is open to you.
Best wishes,

Mary thank you.i need a kick in the a*%< I hope that’s sensible!! You gave me just the kick I needed! I finally told my daughter about my scare and about this website. I told her I can’t drink. I was like do you realize how flour can hurt you liver or how walnuts avocados are great and coffee?? She took this class called “Mind Body Health” she said “mom EVERYTHING you put in your mouth affects your health! Mind blown!!! She’s helping me learn how to eat. Those dang labels take the fun out of food!!! Mncold thank you
Yes, food labels can certainly take the fun out of food!
How great that your daughter is helping you! I hope it makes things easier for you. It surprised me how comfortable my husband was with telling people he couldn't drink anymore, but it seems to be help for him.
Wishing you the best,
Hi Mary
Don’t mention non alcoholic beer and wine on here it could stir up a hornet’s nest. 😁. Smiles but it seriously could but doubt any of us want to go through that experience on this forum ever again. I bet someone even tells me off for mentioning it again!! If you want to know the background, Mary. I could PM you 😁👍

I never mentioned that. That was a suggestion. It doesn’t matter she/he was trying to help me. Let bygones be bygones life it definitely to short and I only have love and respect for the ones who walked before me
Ummm Didn’t you see the smiley face - means joke - and it was said to my friend Mary who has a wicked sense of humour. So please don’t you take it the wrong way!!

I never did!! lol I absolutely love you!!!! You were the first to reply to me and placate me I ADORE you!!!!
Oh! Oh me miserum, I got it wrong again. ☹️. Feel free to slap my wrist! And did I reply first to one of your posts? - oh dear, was it earlier than yesterday - because that’s about my memory’s limit these days!
But thanks for those few kind words. Gosh it’s my lucky day today! 👍👍.

Oops it was Alfred the great! Sorry thought it was you
That’s OK I’ll take the comment on freddy’s behalf 😁😁

@ Bluebonnet & Pilliop
Hi Miles,
Feel free to pm.