Hello 👋 our 60yr old father has ARLD, cirrhosis is present. 12 months since we knew for certain, diagnosed. He was clean 5 months. Then it started again. He's now same as last Yr. Ascites present. Malnourished and not eating. Not moving out his chair. Sat in his own feaces. Only input is whiskey. I need a timeline if anyone has a similar experience? He is refusing ambulance and hospital admission.
We don't know what to expect - British Liver Trust
We don't know what to expect
So sorry. God bless you all.
Impossible to say. Could be a week or a year. If he's not moving, who is supplying the whisky?
Would check with your GP if sectioning is a possibility. Fundamentally, he has done this to himself, but are you all going to facilitate it, or are you going to make one last effort to save him (even though he sounds too late stage)?
Sounds like he has given up on life and hit rock bottom. Possibly contact adult social services emergency team.
I’m not sure you can save someone who is not prepared to take part in their own rescue.
It’s a really difficult situation and a horrible position for you to find yourself in. I was a bit like your father for a while….then I ended up in hospital with a deep rooted infection, went into acute on chronic liver failure and nearly died. I think that was truly the lowest point in my life….a life that I realised I really wanted and that if I carried on the path I was on, was going to lose. Alcohol had really taken a hold of my life. Roll forward 2.5 years. I haven’t drunk a drop since that admission to hospital and have really cleaned up my act. I am well, my bloods are normal, my varices gone and my scans whilst showing cirrhosis, also indicate a stable liver. My family helped me and never gave up on me. The most important factor though was that I never gave up on myself and decided I wanted to live. Only he can decide if he wants to live…you can just be there for him. He has every chance of a recovery if he chooses he wants one.