Hello everyone, I’m reaching out for some advice please. My brother has been diagnosed with alcoholic cirrhosis (we think - he has semi admitted as much and has some symptoms). He’s being incredibly private about his illness (which is fine of course) but he lives with my elderly Mum and I’m concerned for what she’s about to face. He has had three scans so far this year for enlarged spleen and something to do with his gallbladder. He is not drinking the build-up shakes that have been prescribed and has recently cancelled a hospital scan, deciding not to get any treatment. He is also drinking again. He can’t walk well unaided and sleeps a lot during the day. I’m just don’t know what to do about it at all as I have no right to interfere with his treatment but I’m so sad and worried for him and my Mum. What is likely to happen if he doesn’t get medical care? What should we be looking out for? He tells me he has around 1.5 years left.
Cirrhosis without medical intervention... - British Liver Trust
Cirrhosis without medical intervention - what to expect?

No doubt confirming what you fear ...... he is on a slippery path which will only get worse. As you say he is already showing symptoms and continuing to drink is just going to make his liver deteriorate further - the British Liver Trust has an excellent page about cirrhosis which lists the symptoms and I guess the ones you need to make note of are the red flag symptoms which are medical emergencies - the trouble arises if your brother is deemed to still have capacity and can over rule any medical interventions.
Sadly, death through liver failure isn't pleasant and you and your Mum could be faced with some traumatic times ahead if he has turned his back on medical care.
Wishing you all the best,
What ever path your brother is on with cirrhosis in time health events will probably occur that will mean visits to the hospital. Be there for your brother it might take him time to get his head around liver disease and once he can acknowledge his condition he can help himself. As Katie said download the British Liver booklets and look over with your Mum as this will hope you both to keep an eye on how he is doing. Early preventative action can improve his livers health so if you are able to talk calmly with your brother about his condition please keep trying, the sooner he quits alcohol the better he will be and that is the very simple truth on Liver Disease alcohol will lead to a shorter life span. I hope you are able to get your brother talking x
Thanks both for replying. I’m concerned he may completely refuse treatment as he says he doesn’t care about dying. It is a truly horrible situation. He lies a lot and so my Mum isn’t really understanding the extent of the problem. I have downloaded the information from Liver Trust and some other sources to give to her. It’s so sad. Thank you for your help x
Liver disease does effect your mental health and a symptom is HE which many get and at many levels so although you might think he is being like he is this could be the underlying cause and all has to do with the Liver not working as it used to. Mood swings, personality changes, paranoia, aggressive behaviour are just a few side effects and if his health deteriates it won't be a case of if he gets a medical emergency but when. Early detection and prevention can really help prevent hospital admissions. You need to talk with your Mum and see if you are both able to get him talking or get advice from his doctors on how you may be able to help your brother going forward and especially in his current state of mind. Its true patients really have to help themselves and they are in control of what they want, all you can do is be there to help but knowing the extent of his condition helps you to help him even if it doesn't feel like he wants it now one day he will be very glad to have you both beside him ❤
Please please try to get him to seek help or seek medical intervention yourself if need be, go to the GP yourself to express your concerns. My partner was very stubborn and would not go to his GP, he also slept a lot during the day and had difficulty walking, acting weird, lost lots of weight, we just assumed he was constantly intoxicated and couldn’t talk any sense into him. We didn’t realise how advanced his illness was. He was never diagnosed with cirrhosis (decompensated) until he developed severe jaundice and then it was too late and had some serious complications with ascites, infection and renal failure, unfortunately he passed away in September after being admitted to hospital. I don’t want to frighten you but this could be the end result if he doesn’t get the help he needs and I would hate you and your family to go through the same.
I’m so sorry for your loss. This is exactly what I fear is going to happen with my brother. Unfortunately because he is still deemed to have mental capacity we are unable to intervene. I’ve tried his doctor and they just said that his medical files are confidential and unless he wants to share them there is nothing they can do. The last time he was in hospital for acute pancreatitis he just discharged himself. He couldn’t even walk but the orderly wheeled him to an Uber and he made it home. I was on holiday at the time and my Mum can no longer drive. She had no choice but to just let him back in. He lives in her tiny box room at the front of her house. The room is a complete health hazard but the authorities also just ignore it. I managed to get him a place at a halfway house medical facility once. It took a lot of fighting. In the end he just refused to go and went back to his hovel. I know what we are facing. I’m just at a complete loss as we just can’t force him to get help and my Mum is too weak to enforce it. I’m just waiting for the inevitable phone call. He has been unable to walk properly for 2 years now. Fallen and broken his hip, then later his sacrum. I saw him on Wednesday and he is hunched over, unable to get around without holding things. He was also confused/belligerent. Not yellow or swollen yet though, just grey. Not sure what else I can do x