Hi folks , has any one here suffered with a gallbladder attack , started feeling a bit bloated after supper last night and within a couple of hours was in terrible pain behind the liver , was feeling sick but nothing came up , was shivering and feeling very faint , no matter what I did the pain was constant , lying down , sitting up and walking , I eventually made my self ill , but that didn't really settle the pain , been asleep for most of the day and starting to feel normal again , still weak and a bit shivery , Thanks.
Gallbladder: Hi folks , has any one here... - British Liver Trust

Hi. Yes, I do. I've had about 5 attacks now but mine settle down after about an hour. Mine starts in my back. I get extremely hot and the pain is awful. I feel like being sick too. I have had my gallbladder checked and it is full of gallstones. I don't want my gallbladder removed although if things get worse I might have too. The gallbladder is very near the liver and I have cihrossis so I don't want to take any chances. The surgeon thinks it's slightly risky as if i have varices in my liver or stomach, it could perhaps be slightly on the risky side for me because of the liver damage I caused by drinking way too much. I would get this checked with your gp though. The attacks are very painful. I normally take some co-codamol and lie in bed until it passes. Hope this helps a little. Best wishes Jo
Hi. I have had many of symptoms you have described. I had an attempted gallbladder removal but was aborted due to risk. Since then, I have had 11 ERCPs with stents. Still then stents get sludge and stones and symptoms return. To help with this my doctor has developed a routine for me. I take Ursodiol prescription 2 times a day. When severe symptoms with chills, fever, nausea and vomiting, I take Zofran and Cepro antibiotics. Then, if not improving, head to OR for ERCP and new stent. Hope this helps and good luck.

Dear wp69
We suggest talking this through with your own doctor or health care professional in the first instance.
If you [are in the UK and] would find it useful to talk things over, our nurse-led helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm on 0800 652 7330 (excluding bank holidays)
Best wishes
British Liver Trust
Please contact your doctor or get to A&E my wife had trouble and I couldn’t get her to go she ended up having surgery and that went wrong so I nearly lost her, Don’t put yourself or partner, parents or family, friends through that .
Stay safe All
Dogbot 🐶🌈Dave
Will do , its settled down now and im eating and drinking properly , but another twinge and im calling the blue lights , thank you.
My advice call the doctor and tell them so they can build a history and keep ahead of it , because when it hits again your be pleased you done it. Right now your thinking oh it will be alright I’ll wait, I don’t mean to go on but watching my wife go through the pain time after time was agony for me and the family. Good luck on your decision.
Yes I had them for months, severe pain and midriff went very stiff, thought I was having a heart attack. I eventually had such a bad attack that I was hospitalised, had acute pancreatitis and they removed the gall bladder. I felt so well afterwards that it made me realise just how ill I had been. Always get them checked out and see if they can sort out an ultrasound for you. I had over 20 very small stones but some people have large ones. It can also run in families, me, my two sisters and my mum all had our gallbladders removed. Steer away from anything fatty, or too much dairy, it can bring on an attack. This is just my experience though. Good luck.
Been admitted today , they think its the stones moving around.
Hopefully they will be able to remove it, years ago they lasered them but they just reformed. Mine had collapsed and started to decompose and the stones went along the tract into my pancreas. I really hope it is treated and you have a good outcome. Please let me know what happens. Best wishes Jan
Oh wow , how had you been diagnosed with cirrhosis then if you don't mind mw asking , message me if you want , thanks , Will.
Awful mistake to make ....
Must have had a serious affect on your mental health