Hi. I'm a 67 year old woman with several autoimmune conditions. However in recent years I've been quite well overall. Currently pretty fed up as I've been getting digestive problems, quite a lot of pain & generally feeling well below par. Practioner at A&E suspects gallbladder may be the culprit. As I've never before had any problems with my digestive system I think I'd better get learning! Happy to support others and could do with a bit of support & information myself just now!
Gallbladder problem?: Hi. I'm a 67 year... - British Liver Trust
Gallbladder problem?

Hi Castal , when you say get learning I really hope you mean by going to the doctors not by going to dr google 🙈. Dr google will tell you anything that’s in your head not what’s wrong with you. Please Please go to your doctor 🙏.
Stay safe All
Dogbot 🐶🌈 Dave
Hi Doubt, thanks for your reply.
Oh yes, I most certainly am on the case! As I already have a few long-term health issues I'm quite used to navigating the system (though it never gets easier - GP practice needs 5 more GPs at least and isn't really functioning just now). So last week I phoned 111 on Receptionist's instructions and they made me an appt. at something called the Urgent Treatment Centre at our local hospital. Really kindly and thorough Practioner there who suspected gallbladder issues, ordered a QFIT test for me and requested an ultrasound of stomach. The former is done, the latter is pending.
I think I google advisedly - I googled 'gallbladder issues' and read-up on that quite carefully, bearing in mind the reliability of different sites. I can certainly see where the practitioner was coming from but of course I have an open mind.
All I'm after here is to read posts and chat to others with issues that resemble mine. I guess I knew something was a bit off due to bowel movements changing from normal to ... well, not normal, some months back. But I felt okay so didn't think much of it till the stomach pain started up a few weeks ago. Pain is definitely worse after eating greasy / oily foods, especially in the evening. My stomach is bloated and I can always feel something going on in there, whether pain or just a kind of tension. All of that is a bit better since reducing the amount of oil I use in cooking.
Hi Castal, I'm a 61-year-old man in Canada. I hesitate to answer but I have had APLAS antiphospholipid antibody syndrome since I was in my early twenties. Didn't know why I had a Deep vein thrombosis and a pulmonary embolism almost 40 years ago. I've been on a blood thinner since then.
Have had multiple health issues. About seven years ago I began having issues which led to my gallbladder removal.
Sadly the surgeon cut both of my bile ducts😔 followed by many life-threatening complications. After many struggles, I have now a biliary drain which is permanent. So, gallbladder issues seem to follow coeliac disease. I too have led an active life but any issues that arise must be addressed.
Sorry so long but felt I should answer. Hope and prayers coming your way 🇨🇦
Hi Mdbish!
Sounds like you've had a long & complex journey with APLAS. I was fine until my '50s when I was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis. Then it felt like 'one thing after another' syndrome but never any digestive issues till now.
I agree - issues do need to be addressed. I'm sorry your surgery led to serious complications though ... I am seeing a fair few accounts of issues with gallbladder surgery as well as reports of pain etc. continuing even after gallbladder removal.
I'm not reaching any conclusions for myself - I don't even know if my gallbladder is the issue yet. 'Talking' to people though ... that's what helps me get my head round things ready to make any decisions that need making. So many thanks for your reply, it's much appreciated and I hope things are going well for you.