Hi, I have had problems with my GGT readings being high for 10 years and most doctors have ignored it. Now i have a specialist that wants to get to the bottom of what is causing this. I would say i am a moderate drinker which i have slowed down but the readings are still high. Had CT scan and all appears normal with my liver. No fatty liver or cirrhosis, normal size. I am going for a fibrosis ultrasound on Friday so fingers crossed we will get to the bottom of what is happening. Plus lots of blood tests. My mum had lupus and she had the same issue with her liver and she didn't drink they just kept putting it down to her illness. I am wondering if it can be something i have inherited from my Mum?
GGT readings high: Hi, I have had... - British Liver Trust
GGT readings high

It depends what you call high, as it is all relative. All other LFTs normal?
GGT 237, ALP 123, ALT53, AST 39.
GGT high but not terrible. I'd see what the Fibrscan shows up and try to cut down on the booze from moderate to ocassional.
And good luck!👍
If by slowed down you mean your still drinking often or can't give it a miss for a week or two you have an alcohol problem.Your livers objecting, mine did the same and I ignored it so 10 years on it became cirrhotic.
My "moderate" drinking was a bottle of wine a day.
I’ve had high GGT for 15+ years, had numerous tests, scans and biopsy over the years but no cause found.
Ultrasound sound today didn't show anything wrong. Just waiting for some blood results. So maybe like yourself I will just have to live with high GGT readings.