Liver enzyme tests show GGT at 188 but normal ALT 20 and ALP 81 and Bilirubin 24. No pains or symptoms on right side. Normal kidney function. Awaiting Liver Ultrasound. Doctor can't figure out why GGT is high when other enzymes are normal. She said normally ALT is up if fatty liver. Non-drinker. Previous blood test showed almost identical enzyme levels for everything
High GGT: Liver enzyme tests show GGT at... - British Liver Trust
High GGT

how are your bloods? Normal platelets?
I am in a similar situation. I have regular blood tests due to taking Methotrexate injections for lupus and RA. Within a couple months I went from normal GGT of 28 to 199. Alp was also slightly high. Retested this week, Judy got results today all my liver panel normal except GGT slightly down but still high. They were going to ultrasound but now I’m retesting again in 2 weeks. From my understanding GGT suggests possible liver disease? I’m finding it all quite stressful . I have no information from my rheumatologist so in my head it’s all doom and gloom.
It is quite stressful when the doctor expresses concern. So many possibilities -fatty liver from poor diet, bile ducts or stones. The ultrasound will give a better idea. Don't want to get CT Scan with contrast because already have kidney issues. Just don't know why only GGT is up when ALT and ALp are fine
A gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) test measures the amount of GGT in your blood GGT is an enzyme. Enzymes are proteins that speed up certain chemical reactions in your body. Thousands of enzymes play an important role in all of your body functions. The GGT enzyme is found throughout your body, but it is mainly found in your liver.
If your liver or bile duct is damaged, GGT may leak into your bloodstream. So high levels of GGT in your blood may be a sign of liver disease or damage to the bile ducts carrying bile in and out of the liver. Bile, as you know is a fluid, made by the liver that is important for digestion.
A GGT test can't diagnose the specific cause of liver disease. The test can only indicate that your liver is being damaged. This test is usually done with or after other liver function tests, most often an alkaline phosphatase (ALP) test. ALP is another type of liver enzyme. If only the Gamma GT levels are up and ALP's not this could relate solely to the bile duct and not the liver.
Put this to your specialists and see what they say.
gamma gt is a very sensitive test apparently. I not a doctor but it can possibly suggest liver is not happy about something. If all your LFT’s and bloods are normal that is a good thing. Ask for a referral to see a hepatologist. Please try not to worry. I have liver disease with an elevated gamma gt but my bloods are down from where they should be. I am a non drinker and did not drink much before then either.

Dear spikeclone,
No one on this forum can diagnose you. Here is the link to information on our website explaining liver disease tests, diagnosis, and screening, which you may find useful:
Best wishes,
British Liver Trust
Hi there - did you ever get any answers about this? I'm in a similar situation. Thanks!
Ultrasound showed mild/moderate fatty liver. So that is why GGT is high but ALT is normal. I guess over time ALT would worsen if I did not improve my diet and cut back on sugars and fats