My son has had a txt from the doctors on his latest liver blood test now she’s asking him to book an appointment for 1 to 2 weeks time. I’m completely freaking out now
1-2 weeks. : My son has had a txt from... - British Liver Trust
1-2 weeks.
Julie please take it easy it's an appointment not an execution. What are you worrying about. You keep saying that you know your son well and you know he doesn't drink a lot and eat quite healthy, just needs to lose a little weight. Have the appointment and see what they say. I've had a bloody appointment today, I have one again in 2 weeks. Calm down. Don't Google and wait like everyone else does. If it was something serious he would be in hospital NOW not 2 weeks time. Please for the love of God, this is normal.... What did his blood results say?Chill out woman
Danny x
Hi Danny hope you got on well today. I’m trying to chill out seriously I am. We don’t know what his blood tests said that’s what she wants to discuss. I’m guessing bad news though otherwise why call him back. Xx

If it was anything approaching serious he would be seen today, tomorrow at the latest. You are going to make yourself very ill if you continue like this.
I know all you lovely people are right. Thankyou for the message xx

Julie if it was bad news you would not be waiting weeks. I’m sorry but please consider getting your anxiety worked out. I have had it forever and medication and counseling helps me. If you don’t everything will seem like a 🔥 when it’s not.
Thankyou so much for your message. I will do.

Bad news wouldn't wait Julie. Bad news would be...."get your self to hospital now". Stop it now, you will make yourself poorly. All the best Danny x
Thanks Danny xx
Ditto to what Danny said.
It's absolutely normal to pop in an appointment to discuss test results. The need to do so does not imply anything about the results themselves, it's just best practice. 1 to 2 weeks is hardly urgent.
Freaking out seems very extreme as his last test was simply border line. The GP may just give some lifestyle advice and do an informal discharge or suggest a retest in six months after a healthier lifestyle has been followed. No one knows right now. You and your son will be best served by a more rational approach in the run up to his catch up with his doc.
Thankyou Chris x
Hi Julie, it's standard practice to get results and discuss them at appointment a week or two after. When there is something really worrying in the results, like this summer with my husband, they told him 'we need you in hospital in an hour'! x
Hi BetulaT thankyou for your message. It’s very sweet of you. I know your right in what your saying. I hope you husband is doing ok xx
Usually when my husband has dodgy results ( or anyone else I know who has had them during the pandemic) the GP will ring and tell you results straight away, not text for an appointment. I'm certain you and your son can take this development as good news
Hi Ewife im trying to think along those lines just worried why he would have to see the GP rather than a phone call. I hope your husband is doing ok x

From what you've said, the Doctor hasn't asked to see him. The text says book an appointment, since covid that is much more likely to be a telephone appointment than an in person one.
As others have said, the text your son has received is very reassuring, he's been the lowest level of urgency and even warned not to take an urgent appointment up.
Had the blood tests shown anything time critical or very serious then your son would likely have received a call within hours of the tests, as the labs report those immediately to either the patient's gp or the out of hours gp. In those cases the instruction can be to go to the nearest A and E, don't drive and tell them that this result is ???.
A low priority text like this should be greatly reassuring. Important results aren't notified by a text message to make an appointment.
Rather than worry for the next couple of weeks, he needs to ring the surgery tomorrow and find out why he’s being asked to book an appointment, what his test results were if he hasn’t had them already and gather the facts. If something was seriously wrong, they would have rung him this pm and asked him to come in urgently, not text him to book an appointment for 1 to 2 weeks time. Please try not to worry yourself to a frazzle on this.
Thankyou for your message I know your right. But it’s me again always thinking the worst. I’m trying not to really I am.
I’m not sure a receptionist would be allowed to tell him anything do you

They are his results and they will normally either tell him over the phone or get the nurse or GP to ring back. The fact he’s received a text means it will be on their system and likely to have a note attached.
Oh I see I just wondered why the GP just couldn’t call him that’s why I’m freaking out more because she actually wants to see him.
Hi julie as everyone has said if there was anything serious they would see him a lot sooner at my gps the receptionist used to tell my results as i always asked what my numbers were , but not all gps are the same i then had to repeat my bloods every couple of weeks to see if they went up or down .fingers crossed all is ok im sure it will be and try not to worry .x
Hi Nalabanana Thankyou for the message. Like all of you lovely people on here you have been very kind. I obviously suffer from anxiety and it’s hit me hard but hopefully everything will be ok. My son showed me the txt and it says make a routine appointment to see your doctor in 1 - 2 weeks time. Xx

See Julie "a routine appointment" a normal appointment to go over things. Definitely nothing to worry about. Just wait and you will be fine 😊. All the best Danny x

Hi Julie. Does the GP offer the facility to check results online l can access my results as soon as my GP has reviewed them.
If it was urgent they wouldn't wait two weeks. If worried ring and speak to a Dr.
I've had blood tests at 10am and had the doctor call at 4pm that's urgent, does he access to results online through NHS app or surgerys online system, I always check my own blood reults.Hilary
Dear JulieI second what everyone is saying.....last year i had a blood test on the Monday and Tuesday they called me in urgently, saying i.needed to go to hospital as my liver function was 4 times higher than normal meaning it was over working xx
I had a virus x
Thankyou. I hope your well now.
I always get a copy of mine. That way you know what they are and how abnormal (if at all).
Don’t worry about it. I went through a stage of weekly blood tests. It is a worry when it’s all new but I choose to be grateful, many don’t know there are problems until they end up in hospital with severe symptoms. I think there should be a routine test for liver It is possible that your son may be just asked to change his diet or lifestyle but in the long run it is better he knows now.
Thankyou for your message. We are not even sure what it is yet that’s why I overthink
Please try to stop worrying, Julie, although this does appear to be almost impossible for you currently. A "routine" appointment is just that, routine!! This will be the normal appointment to discuss results, there is certainly no emergency factor here, and definitely no reason for the extreme "freaking out" you say you are experiencing. This appointment may be needed just to explain results, and/or give general lifestyle advice, there is nothing sinister about it at all. If there had been any hint of a problem you would have been rung to go in for an emergency hospital appointment, and, believe me, during the journey there, that's the time when your brain goes into overdrive. In case you ring the surgery or go online for your son's results and they are not there, this will simply be because they are not usually made available until approved by the GP, who may, as in this case, wish to discuss the results first. Somewhat ironically, this is done to avoid anxiety when the patient views results with no understanding of the situation. You must try not to project your anxiety onto your son, as stress is no good for anyone, mentally or physically. Does your son's GP know of your excessive worry? If not, maybe they should be told so that things can be explained to you. If they do, then it should be no problem for them to reassure you. I am not really sure that telling you about this was particularly wise on your son's part, particularly as the appointment is just routine. The problem now is that any test or appointment he has will send you on another journey of excessive worry, and many of us have these events monthly, fortnightly, weekly, or even daily, which become our own normal. I would really advise seeking some help for your excessive anxiety, as it is doing neither you nor your son any good. I hope you find some help and reassurance soon.
Good morning and Thankyou so much for your lovely message. I know everything you are say is true and I really appreciate it so much. Im guessing if his liver enzymes had elevated more between the 2 blood tests the doctor wouldn’t treat that as routine.My own doctor knows about my depression and anxiety but not my sons doctor. I havnt been to work since this all happened. I have such a supportive family but they say I need more help. My son called the surgery to make his telephone appointment and it’s next Thursday so im trying to relax about it but I can’t. Just wish it had come back normal and not to discuss. Im sorry im being like this truly I am. Thankyou again.
All ok now thankyou was a shock and made me take a good look at my lifesyle though
May I ask did you have lots of tests before diagnosis

Hello Julie sorry for late reply been at work. I had general blood tests which showed this up. I then saw a gastroenterologist bdcause i had BUPA through my work . He then done a liver scan which was clear....not even a fatty liver. He done more blood tests to see different levels and said that my raised levels were not because of alcohol. Although, i probably drank 21 plus units of wine weekly! He said a virus attacked my liver. I wss tested for hepatitis and all sorts but in the end it was a virus. Now i think it may have been coronavirus but it was very early still scared it will flare up again and im going to get some blood tests (general) in a few weeks.My friends daughter had the same thing and she was only 20 at the time.
Take care and good luck, please try not to worry too much
X gill
Hi again so did you also have liver bloods done as well is that when you had elevated levels. Hope you don’t mind me asking x
Hi Casper6 sorry for replying so late. Thankyou for the message. It’s made me feel better. I’m always thinking the worst. How are things with yourself now. It is such a worry isn’t it. I hope your friends daughter is well too. Thankyou again for messaging x

Evening Julie.Sorry i am.late replying now x i have been fine thank God, my liver function returned to normal after a few weeks and my friends daughter is also well now. So all is well.
I do worry as well, i always get worried that it may happen was so very frightening and out of the blue, although to be honest, i had been feeling unwell and very tired before the tests, and i usually have a lot of energy.
I do hope your son is well...please let me know and you can contact me any time. You need to talk.
Very best wishes
Gill x
Hi Casper6 thankyou again fir the message. I’m so glad your both well. My son was like you completely out of the blue I’m really praying his bloods have gone back down it just worry’s me that the doctor what’s a chat because they have elevated more more but if they has I’m guessing she wouldn’t leave it for a couple of weeks for the routine phone call would she? It is a scary time and a worry. Thankyou for your support I will keep in touch. Take care chat soon xx
Morning Julie.They REALLY REALLY would not leave something so serious for 2 weeks....honestly x
The worry will be so stressful for you over the next few there no way you could just explain to the receptionist the anxiety and they may be able to just put your minds at rest? Im sure they would not want anyone to be so anxious. It may mean your son calling though. Just a thought.