has anyone on here with cirrhosis had type 2 diabetes? I am now on insulin but the doctor said I should be able to get off the shots hopefully in a few months. I’ve been on for 2 days and it definitely is reacting to the shots. My nurse said it normally takes 4-4 days but I’ve already seen it improve. Fingers crossed
type 2: has anyone on here with... - British Liver Trust
type 2

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British Liver Trust
I have cirrhosis and type 2, on insulin for 2 years now, but no "remission"...
why r u taking insulin.most people with type2 take tablets .if you are overweight you must lose some to secure remission .see nhs weight loss plans.
Cirrhosis induced diabetes can often be labelled as type II - my hubby has never been overweight but got diagnosed with type II diabetes at the end of last year (due to cirrhosis). It is insulin resistant and he has been on insulin since January. He had a liver transplant in June and his insulin dose is gradually coming down following weaning of post transplant steroids and less supplement drinks.
I have been on insulin for almost 6 years as not diagnosed until at stage 4 and it killed my pancreas. I will be on insulin for the rest of my life, even though my hba1c is down from 98 to 36!! Xx
Husband has cirrhosis and was taking tablets for Type 2. However, his HBa1C reading has been steadily declining over the last year - I assume that stopping drinking has helped tremendously. He has been taken off his diabetes meds now. It has been one of the few pieces of good news health wise he has had lately.