It’s been a long time since I posted on here. In January I had a liver biopsy that said nothing out of the ordinary besides mild bile pigment that they blamed on my Gilbert’s syndrome. I still had/ have URQ pains on and off but just learned to live with it as there’s nothing that can be done or found wrong with me. Only thing that’s ever showed anything is my HIDA scan at 96% but drs don’t seem to care. Since Monday my URQ pain has been pretty bad and not letting up. It hurts in my lower right back and hip bone and even right under my belly button on the right side like mild stab by pains. Idk what to do but it feels like the liver or gallbladder should be inflamed. My hands seem much more red than they used to be and I’m tired all the time. A month ago my MCV was 96.6 which it’s never been high and I read that it’s pretty much due to liver disease like the red hands. My AST was 25 while ALT was 16 and that ratio has me worried. I wonder if anyone can relate to any of this or not. Idk what I should do as anytime I seek help I’m told I’m fine and keep living my life.
AST/MCV/ red palms : It’s been a long... - British Liver Trust
AST/MCV/ red palms

I think biopsy is the golden standard for staging fibrosis. Based on this you are pretty well diagnosed. So I would not worry about Ast/alt ratio and so on regarding liver. Of course you should report all your symptoms and abnormal tests to your doctors because not only the liver can be the problem. Good luck.
I report everything to my drs. It’s just crazy because when I fo all the mapping out I try so hard to find similarities with my symptoms and all the conditions they suggest I have but it’s not consistent, however when I look at symptoms of liver disease it’s all a match. It makes me believe that drs may not really understand liver disease and are only willing to help when your as bad as it can get. I suddenly developed cramps in my hands and feet along with severe fatigue. It just feels so heavy on me all the time.
Ok but biopsy was fine and it would show not only fibrosis but also inflamition and other liver dieases. About sympompts I personally do not belive that Gilbert’s Syndrome has any sympompts (I have it and I have none of them). But regardless opinion of doctors and scientists some people with GS report some symptoms.
Anyway you have normal biopsy, normal LFTs and doctors say you are ok. Pretty good postion. About symptoms please check maybe with doctors somewhere else.
Does your doctor know about your new symptoms? pain in lower right quadrant/hip could potentially be appendicitis, that can be a pretty serious condition if it is not resolved ASAP. There is also numerous other conditions that can cause the symptoms similar to liver/gallbladder issues- namely IBS or even IBD/Colitis. My partner has colitis and she experienced pain in RUQ as well as pain in lower quadrant and severe bloating/fatigue. Since you've had all the relevant liver tests I would ask your doctor to focus on your GI area next, although i wouldn't be surprised if they have already covered all of that as normally that's their first port of call with RUQ pain (its the rigmarole I am having to go through at the moment in a fight to find out if I have liver disease, and from what I've seen everyone else also has had to go through that)
Thank you. Sadly because I had a colonoscopy 7 yrs ago when my Ibs c started they won’t do another one. My tests came out negative but I have been asking them about colitis as well since all the liver things come back normal. It’s so weird to feel all these symptoms and know your not healthy somewhere in the body but never have anything come back in tests.