I’ve been tested for liver issues for over a year now which keeps coming back fine. My whole life of lab work has shown MCV at 91-93 which is normal. My last blood work which did not show the metabolic numbers said that my Mcv is now 96.7 and just ever so slightly out of range. I’m freaking out because it says liver disease online. Idk when I’ll get to do metabolic labs but I’m so scared my numbers are bad now and they have never been bad before .
96.7 MCV blood test bad?: I’ve been... - British Liver Trust
96.7 MCV blood test bad?

In general terms your level seems normal. MCV levels can change by small amounts without disease. An MCV of 100 would not raise a massive concern. (whilst some UK labs have 80-97, some have 80-100 as the normal range) For example, an MCV of 102 would be seen as SLIGHTLY enlarged. Vitamin B-12 and folic acid deficiencies are the causes usually looked at first when there's mild enlargement.
Whilst everyone's test results are effected by age, sex and general health - the direction of travel in result numbers is most important when there is a sustained and significant deviation.
The terms Normal, In Range and Average do matter. If your Dr is concerned then I'm sure retesting in the near future would be suggested.
Thank you. I guess it makes me nervous because in the last year all my vitamins have been good besides D which I’ve known for years. I don’t bruise easily but sometimes I bleed a little more than I think I should. My bloods have been normal through everything and same with my images but I have had constant URQ pain that came out of no where since last year. I just. Any help but feel there’s something sinister happening in my body. I did have radioiodine last year and I’m now very hypo but taking levo so I’m on range now.
Hi, I don't understand a word of what is being said . I was doagnosed August with sclerosis however , my gastro team at mcr insist I don't have it ! I have chronic pancreatitis , with portol hypertension thrombosis !
Anyhow I'm having some scan on Thu that will tell me definitely once & for all! Why this could not be done sooner . ?I have been asking for the past couple if years do I have sclerosis to be told No .
It is biggest fear of mine. Two very close loved ones have died through it! Not nice !
Although they did drink alcohol .I haven't touched a drop In 17 year & don't smoke !
If your liver so called mends why would mine do the opposite! ?
Most labs have MCV "normal" being anything between 80 and 98/100. Your results are fine.