Have had a very rough time over the last week or so, very bad bleed- lost 1.5-2litres! (unnecessary as I had had an Endoscopy two days before when they failed to band some varices) then a completely unexplained seizure whilst on the ward recovering from bleeding and banding. I fell very awkwardly when I had the seizure, luckily nothing major broken but probably a couple of cracked ribs and a lot of bruising. My question is, I am home, what pain relief can I safely use with liver disease? I am using a small amount of paracetamol but it isn't helping much,
Painkillers: Have had a very rough time... - British Liver Trust

You really need to speak to a doctor or liver specialist. Remember, everything you take or rub into your skin will eventually have to be processed by your liver.
If your liver is already struggling, you maybe doing more harm than good.
What a completely crap and testing time for you. It's often said on this forum that you should only ask your Dr for a certain type of answer - this is very much the case here. Obviously anything that thins the blood like Asprin and NSAIDS would be contraindicated...I would ask those responsible for your care about short term use of mild to moderate opiates like codeine. I would also look at classic hot and cold compression - most effective soon after an injury.
Very Best
You poor thing!!! I don’t think that anyone on here could advise you on medication as that wouldn’t be safe. Could you call a duty doctor from your GP surgery as it’s the weekend? Or maybe the discharging ward or 111?
You really don’t want to leave any rib trauma without the pain being controlled by some means due to the risk of associated pneumonia. Most hospitals do have a rib trauma pathway and may also give advice via the physio about specific movements and breathing exercises appropriate for you and how to cough effectively for example. They do need to have the full clinical picture first.
Just for practicality and this is by no means a clinical opinion, merely I hope a common sense one for the interim, try not to lift anything heavy such as kettles, saucepans? Maybe avoid pulling and pushing and only boil enough water in the kettle for one drink or get a family member to make you up a flask for the day to decrease the weight burden. Perhaps sitting in a higher, supportive chair for your posture and to make it easier to stand without constantly pushing through the affected side, and so on?
I really hope you get it sorted today and please do speak to someone medically trained and feel better soon x
We are sorry to read what a tough time you are having. Ideally, pain relief options should have been discussed with you prior to discharge by the medical team.
Please do check with your doctor what is appropriate and safe to take.
We hope you feel better soon.
I had a seizure in June and blood loss. This happened at home and my husband turned me on to my side and checked that my airway was clear. I clamped my teeth on to his fingers and wouldn’t let go. Oops! I don’t remember much at all. He has now lost a fingernail and I am facing a rather large dental bill!
But, seriously, it was not a pleasant time but I am okay now and I hope everything improves for you soon.
P.S. you are allowed to laugh. Just not too much. 🥴🥴🥴
Let us know how you are getting on x

I am doing fine generally, no more bleeds but the pain hasn't diminished at all. I expect I have to live with it until it heals