How to others manage to detox themselves without rehab. I know that you cannot just stop for risk of a seizure
Detox : How to others manage to detox... - British Liver Trust

From my own personal experience I was detoxed for 3 days in the ER with benzodiazepines to get over the worst of it and continued taking them once out as prescribed by my dr. Everyone is different though and that’s a hard subject because some people have dangerous complications coming off it. Best of luck.
A self managed detox is fraught with potential pitfalls, not least of which is the possibility of becoming extremely unwell.
Please ask for support with this from your GP or as minimum contact one of the support groups available such as : free helpline 0800n9177650
Take care, don't rush into anything. I am sure you will get more syport from your fellow forum members

Thanks for your advise
There are lots of people here that managed to do it at home with or without support but just a word of caution from me based on my experience with my husband.
He decided to stop drinking this summer as he was feeling unwell. He cut down alcohol drastically very quickly which made him very ill. I called an ambulance and they advised him to taper the amount he's drinking slowly because he'd been drinking quite a lot for a long period of time. They said to cut down by 1 pint every week, and that's what he did for couple of weeks but unfortunately by that time his liver had failed and he was hospitalised for two weeks for emergency alcohol detox.
Everyone is different, but factors to consider are how much you are drinking at the moment, for how long you've been drinking, and how damaged is your liver.
Also, ask family / friends for support if you are doing at home x
I am in this position too. My options appear to be: unsupported home complete detox. ( dangerous), slow withdrawal with psychological support ( advised by GP) private detox ( very expensive and minimum 2 week stay £6-£15k) or homebased with private nurse visits and online medical and psychological support (still dangerous but less so) I would like a hospital based detox but I don't think I'm sick enough. Still considering options but I know this is a hard one
My heart goes out to, have been through this more times than I can count. Still don't know why I'm alive. Have you tried any of these options in the past, am interested to hear, it is such a long hard battle x
In addition to my other reply I did seize while in hospital after a bleed and it isn't funny and I am rightly not allowed to drive now