Beem 4 weeks since first liver function test came back rised had another one since then came back higher 193 doctoer told me shouldnt be over 50 is this bad got q ultersound booked on for Tuesday
Liver function : Beem 4 weeks since... - British Liver Trust
Liver function

Your doctor is doing the right thing in sending your for further tests. You obviously have other underlying conditions that can contribute to liver issues on their own (diabetes can go side by side with Non Alcohol Related Fatty Liver Disease) plus you have auto immune conditions - when you have one AI condition then you often have others because the immune system is in overdrive and starts mis-identifying bits of you as foreign to you and starts attacking them. Obviously you've already got the Graves issue plus thyroid issue so it's also important to check for any of the auto immune liver diseases.
If your 193 is the result for ALT then ok it is elevated but not wildly so, some of the Autoimmune Hepatitis members on here will have seen their ALT soaring into the many hundreds, if not the many thousands.
My LFT test where between 700 and 900 for years convincing myself it wasn't the drink and telling myself I wasn't drinking that much all lies obviously I had backache and slight nose bleeds went to hospital told nothing wrong with me this happened a few times till eventually they did an ultrasound told me a bit of fatty liver that was April 2020 got appointment for over the phone for June 2020 with consultant and he says to me did I ever get the results of a fibroscan from 2018 I said know he said well your borderline cirrhosis I near fainted and your only telling me now I got to see my doctor asked him did he get the results he never got them either I was drinking for near 2 years not knowing I was borderline cirrhosis I even went and paid for my funeral I was that upset about it I get scans every 6 months and bloods taken scan came back satisfactory and bloods where all good but I have fallen by the wayside a few times I was of the drink for near 10 months but I have had a few wobbles since it's a long hard road ahead I take it one day at a time now but hopefully you will be ok your LFT is not that high my doctor told me an LFT should be 73 I got mine down to 76 I had all my bloods done by the doctor 4 weeks ago and all came back good so I wouldn't be to concerned there's plenty you can do to help yourself sorry for that rant lol was just looking a chat and saying how things are with me will I drink again I cant say I won't i had a few beers last week that's all i would drink i use to fool myself and say it's only beer it's still alcohol I'm not a wine are Vodka are whiskey drinker i use to drink cider but haven't had a cider in 12 years but it's all the same well sorry for this long tale well goodluck hopefully you get sorted Godbless
Thank you for sharing your stroy with me and am so sorry to hear about your struggles and sounds like on the right path dont give up if you do slip pick your self back up and try again dont be too hard on your self 10 months is great. I dont drink at all or smoke mine is due to medication as i have a few health conditions years of taking meds and pain killers i have to take pain killers daily due pain i have health anxiety really bad got it in my head that it pancreatic cancer so stress and worry not helping.
I'm sorry it's my fault I look at things and blame drink because that's me I apologise I hope you get good news you should be ok
I know what you mean if I get a pain are any kind of ache right away i think all that to the anxiety is terrible i put everything down to my liver and it could be something else but it's just the worry of it all mines all self inflicted but i hope your on the mend and goodluck for the future Godbless
I had my ultrasound done this morning.. It was ordered due to my alcohol history and raised ALP. I was so scared that I did not even try to ask anything from the technician who was doing the test... Normally I would have asked, how's it looking and doctor will get the results in couple of days... Fingers Crossed!