Hi I am a 42 female that has been drinking heavily for 5 years. I woke up 5 days ago and noticed some slight yellowing in my eyes and skin. My urine was also darker than usual. I have stopped drinking since but still see the yellow in my eyes and skin. I have been drinking alot of water and my urine is back to normal. I have some bloating in my stomach but it seems to be going down. Otherwise I feel fine. Is this something I should be concerned about? I will never be drinking again.
jaundice: Hi I am a 42 female that has... - British Liver Trust

have you had any blood work? I’d start there and see what your bilirubin is and your AST and ALT
Ruby ask to see your doctor asap, I had the very same symptoms and I was rushed to hospital straight away, these are signs that your liver is struggling to function and your body is letting you know.
Don’t panic, the doctors will get you back on track but don’t delay medical help and yes don’t drink any further alcohol and keep drinking water rather than anything else for now.
Best well wishes
See your doctor as soon as you can. The same thing happened to me twenty years ago, whilst living in Spain. As soon as the doctor saw me she told me to go straight to the hospital and the next day I was helicoptered to Valencia, where I had a transplant. I wasn’t aware of all of this until I came round miles from home with a new liver!