I have abdomin pain cramps with diarrhea, leg cramps, headaches most of the time esophagus pain and bone pain and a rash between my fingers and I get itching which gets worse at night my memory is playing up, spider veins on chest. I had a ct scan which said my liver was normal then a ultrasound which diagnosed fatty liver blood test says liver is fine vitamin d levels are fine, but with all these symptoms I'm sure I have cirrhosis and I'm getting no where with my GP I just don't know what to do.
Alcoholic liver disease : I have abdomin... - British Liver Trust
Alcoholic liver disease
It sounds to me that you're very anxious about your health, why do you think your symptoms are cirrhosis? They could be due to other things entirely, if your ct scan and bloods came back fine, but US showed fatty liver, it may be that you just have a mild case of fatty liver, that could be reversed by diet and lifestyle changes. Do you still drink alcohol?
Because I get pin pricks all over my body and stomach cramps, cramps in the legs, burning sensation through out my body headaches all the time, red palms, dry mouth and eyes.
No, I've stopped drinking.
Whilst some of your symptoms may overlap with those of liver issues - have you asked your GP "Ok, If it isn't my liver causing these symptoms what is it then?".
The fatty liver you can reverse with healthy eating, continued abstinence and exercise. There is guidance on the BLT website on how to achieve this (it refers to Non Alcohol Related Fatty Liver but advice stands).
Downloadable leaflet with dietary guidance etc. :- britishlivertrust.org.uk/do...
Some of your issues may 'just' be health anxiety - because you are sure you have alcohol related liver disease you are seeking out or sub-conciously focussing on different body parts and your mind almost convinces you that there is something wrong with that part. Seeking out the minute symptoms that 'may' or indeed 'may not' be anything liver related. Scans and bloods so far indicate nothing wrong with your liver (other than the fatty liver which you can do something about).
As you have other symptoms then something must be causing them so I would be putting the ball into Doctors court and going in with the list of symptoms you are concerned about and saying - ok we've ruled out my liver so what is going on that is causing me to have x, y and z? Some of your symptoms sound almost auto immune in nature (fibromyalgia for one has a great many of the issues you describe BUT it can also mimics a great many other illnesses).
Not suggesting that you have this but am saying if you eliminate the liver as the cause of your problems (and I think you can based on the tests you've had) then something else is causing them and it means looking for alternative reasons why you have the symptoms you have.
I hope you get some answers off your doctor soon.
Thanks for the reply, I don't get much exercise because I have avascular necrosis of both hips and I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about ten years ago. But I get pain in all my joints and dry mouth and eyes and problems with my esophagus.

As you already have one AI condition (fibromyalgia) then it's not uncommon to have more - dry eyes and dry mouth could be Sjogren's syndrome. If you have oesophagus problems have you had an endoscopy to see what's going on there?
I keep getting abdominal pain muscle cramps and pain in my right shoulder and neck and I'm tired and feel sick all the time.
And I have spider veins on my chest and got a rash on my neck and hands, flatulence all the time
Hi, I had a liver function test on Monday it came back normal. Electrolytes were fine vitamin d levels are normal, I told the doctor about my esophagus and very dark mud stools and the pain and he hasn't done anything about.
I'm supposed to have a colonscopy every year now, I usually have a endoscopy with it, but the state the NHS is in I've not anything from them. I've got my gp ringing me tomorrow I'll ask him
I have vitamin b12 deficiency and have my injection every 3 months
I also have a dry mouth and dry eyes and generally feel really unwell,had another LFT blood test monday which was normal, but my doctor won't give me a liver fibrosis test or an endoscopy I really need help