Hi all, I'm new here. Firstly, it's lovely to see that most people here are so supportive and friendly :).
I am a 25 year old man who has a history of heavy drinking, approx 4-5 years. I had an abdominal ultrasound around this time last year, mainly to check my kidneys as my BP was slightly raised. I asked the sonographer to have a good look at my liver as I was still drinking heavily at the time and my LFT blood tests were abnormal. She said my liver looked a little bit fatty from drinking but didn't seem too concerned. In July I made the decision to start getting healthier with my diet and exercise and by September I had packed the drink in completely. After 6 weeks or so of quitting, I noticed this aching sort of nagging pain in my right side under my ribs and all along my right side. I tried my best to ignore it thinking I'd maybe pulled a muscle as the pain was intermittent. I have continued abstaining and lost 3 stone since July. I called my GP a few weeks ago as the pain was still there and becoming more constant. He ordered a repeat of my LFT blood tests which came back completely normal, he said as I had not drank for 3 months and am so young, it's likely my liver had repaired. I suffer terribly with health anxiety and had read on the NHS website that your blood can appear normal throughout many stages of liver disease so asked if I could have an ultrasound to be sure. I had this done a couple of weeks ago and the sonographer said everything looked normal, the fat had gone from my liver and it was neatly tucked under my rib cage. She said she noticed a small polyp on my gallbladder which is being looked into by a GI consultant to see if any action is required but she said she was sure this would not be the cause of my discomfort. She also said no gallstones were there. Is it likely they could have missed cirrhosis or something in these tests? I would have thought I'd have other symptoms other than pain but I am just so worried. My anxiety is through the roof and I have been spending 3 hours a day or more researching liver disease; I have told my GP this but I think he thinks I am just imagining I am having pain due to my anxiety but it is definitely there with no noticeable pattern with food, bowel movements etc. other than being more obvious when I am lying down in bed. What would you guys suggest? Sorry this is such a long post!