In pain and just tired.: Hi I have been... - British Liver Trust

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In pain and just tired.

Misg profile image
11 Replies

Hi I have been writing on here for over a year and get such helpful advice stories and support from people on here. Sadly I have still not found a diagnosis for what I am going through and have developed huge health anxiety as a result of not knowing what is wrong with me.

My body has shown so many signs that there is something wrong. Yellow stools and dark urine (on and of) pain in right upper abdominal area, digestive problems, Iron deficiency anaemia, problems with urinary tract which was not of infection, stabbing pains in left area of head and behind eye, joint pains and horrible flank pains, pelvic pains (now know is due to PCOS) heart palpitations breathlessness, splinter haemorrhage s . I have done tests but not enough. Especially when it comes to my liver and pancreas not enough. I had an ultrasound scan a year ago and 4 lft tests which are always normal. I have been met with so much stand offish-ness from doctors as they keep saying NOTHING is wrong with me and questioning my anxiety. I can elaborate so much more into this but this post is already long enough.

Recently I have gotten back from doctors that my platelet count is low but it was not low enough to be given treatment but this was over two months ago.

I have now had some sharp pains in my lower left ribcage and now my health anxiety has kicked in because of fears of an enlarged spleen. I know that when you have liver issues your spleen can become enlarged and start affecting your platelets and cause anaemia. I am 22 and it's a bit much for me. The area is still in a bit of pain but I don't know if it's because I am just focusing on it too much.

I am now afraid of a rupture. It's sad because I feel very alone in this. I have developed so much anxiety because I fear that without a diagnosis for something there is no treatment and so the chances of complications is so much higher if you are not being monitored but instead being tolerated.

Can your spleen randomly just burst or would you need trauma for an enlarged one?

I am going to my doctor to see if I can see if that is causing the problem with platelets.

Any advice or experience will help. Thank you.

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Misg profile image
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11 Replies
Porphyriamaniac profile image

Hi misg, when I had upper left quadrant pain it was down to my bowels. It's all well squashed in there together so I wouldn't immediately jump to the conclusion it's your spleen you're getting pain from, even with the small platelet issue. My bowel pain, can and does move all over my abdomen top to bottom, left to right and it bloody hurts. Of course I'm not a dr, this is just my experience. With regards to your ultrasound and lfts being clear, a gp won't usually order further tests if they're clear as they are both good initial indicators of liver problems. By all means ask to see another gp and you may get different answers? Ask for the platelet's retesting and as it's been a year maybe another ultrasound to check your liver and spleen? Can't hurt. I really think you need to speak to your gp about the anxiety you are experiencing though, you are 22, so young to be worrying about tummy pains leading to a ruptured spleen ☹. A lot of the symptoms you are describing could actually be down to or be exaggerated by your anxiety, I know it makes my bowel problems flare for starters, that's besides the heart Palps and general panic. I honestly do understand why you're anxious as it's something I suffer with too. I think you'd feel a lot better if you could get the anxiety in check a little. Wishing you all the best. Stacie. Xxx

Beefeater profile image
Beefeater in reply to Porphyriamaniac

Hi, Stacie and Misg: first of all, I like what Stacie said. Try to consult with another gp or call your Gastro doctor. It’s true (from my own experience) that anxiety can intensify your pains. You’re not alone- I had to consult with my psychiatrist who gave me a mild anti-anxiety med and advised me to get a second opinion from another gp or have the gastro doctor explain what’s going on in my intestines and how one system affects another. I was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis, enlarged spleen, pancreatitis, colitis and anemia on 4 July this year. Believe me, those tests and results along with the pains are enough to drive you insane. I went on vegan diet immediately and lost 25 pounds. I’m happy to say I’m so relieved of so much pain and all the awful things that go along with the liver issue. Watch your diet, exercise and try to keep convincing yourself that things will be fixed in time. Have faith. Beefeater

Misg profile image
Misg in reply to Beefeater

Thank you for this message. Diet and exercise helps so much. To be given such a diagnosis would've been overwhelming but a confirmation that what you are going through is not all in your head and is outside of anxiety. Some drs can really rely on that and can talk down to you when you discuss your problems. I hope you are fine.

Misg profile image
Misg in reply to Porphyriamaniac

I'm sorry I am so late but I just want to thank you for your message. I have gained alot of health anxiety from all of this. I am to see my doctor about other things. I notice I get more pain in my upper right area when I eat alot of sugar the pain everywhere else still confused me but it has subsided alot over the last couple of months and so has my anxiety. Again thank you and I will take on your suggestion and ask my doctor for another ultrasound scan of my liver and spleen. It has been past a year anyway.

Thank you.

Oh my you poor young un.

I sympathise re tests especially. I had had loads of ultrasound tests with no clear indication as to why i was getting worse and worse.

During a recent hospitalisation due to yet another bout of HE ( where due to a dodgy liver toxins get in your brain and send you completely dolalley 😁) i saw my notes at end of bed (well you just have to read them dont you!). It said i should have scan to look for a thrombosis in the liver. Well i had an ultra sound and the operator said she couldnt get a clear view. So back to the ward where the round doctor said i could go home! Unlike me i spoke up and said that my notes said they needed to confirm there was no thrombosis. He wasnt pleased and went away. 5 hours later i was told i had to have a CT scan. And lo and behold they found a thrombosis in liver portal vein.

So im now never totally convinced by ultrasound scans, buf CT scans im guessing cost a lot and they take a lot longer to do!

Try not to worry quite so much (i know its easier said than done) and keep doing wharever they say. If you do that no-one can criticise you).

I hope it all turns out good for you. It would be nice to hear how you get on. Good luck!

Misg profile image
Misg in reply to


Your experience is so helpful to me as speaking up is something I really don't do but give myself such a hard time about it because it has lead to misunderstandings and people glossing over issues. I'm going to take on going to the drs again and asking for scan for my liver and spleen. Thank you so much for your message. I have been really working on my health anxiety. I have tried to take a break from posting as I was rehashing the same problems because I was frustrated. Hope you are fine and well?

Theydontcare profile image


Omg omg ?

I’ve just read your posts you poor poor thing you.

What you are going through !

I know exactly what your talking about exactly, because I have exactly the same as you do

And exactly the same experience with docs and them trying to focus on my anxiety’s and not my pale stools dark urine pains on and off all day under the right ribs etc etc.

I think we are bloody twins 😂

Me and you have almost identical health issue, how mad is that.

And no honey they just don’t care do they.

They just want to put us on anti anxiety meds of which I will never ever ever ever go on no way never, as mine and your anxieties are real and our symptoms are what’s causing our anxieties not the other way round , and don’t you give in to them .

We need to be friends we are one it’s outrageous how similar our symptoms are it’s like a mirror of mine .

How are you now ?

Hugs n love your way.

Ajo13 profile image
Ajo13 in reply to Theydontcare

Any update on your health? Are symptoms are too identical, it’s crazy. Doctors want to put me on anxiety medicine too but I refused to take anything that will further hurt my liver. Just wondered how things played out for you, if you ever got any more info.

Theydontcare profile image

Auto 13

Hi ya sweetie x

No no different and no new news apart from I got barred from gps Friday haha kisses n hugs xx

How about you how you doing

Misg profile image
Misg in reply to Theydontcare

Hello, I am hoping they have lifted that or you have an alternative when you are ill if I'm understanding what you wrote correctly and you are barred/banned from the GP. That must be frustrating. Have they lifted it?

As for me I have been trying to avoid the drs as each time I go I get talked down to or told not to worry when I am simply explaining legit issues but have had some things change within my body which would need tests so I must force myself to go so I can understand. Hopefully they take me seriously this time! Thank you so much for your message and hope you are fine?

Polaris_Ab profile image
Polaris_Ab in reply to Misg

Hi Misg,

I hope you are doing well. I see that you have not posted in a couple of years.

Hopefully, you have been able to get to the bottom of your health issues. I'm hoping that this is the case, and that you receive this message. I have read all of your posts and what you describe is almost *exactly* what I have been experiencing for the last two and a half years, and worsening constantly. I am desperate for a solution, and am hoping that if you have found one, you can let me know!

Best wishes. I hope you are well.

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